So I got into an accident today!!

The title says it all. I was out driving with a friend of mine, we came around a corner and started fishtailing, I couldn’t straighten the car out cause it was too ****ing slippery. Hit a snowbank and then slid into a light pole. Left front side is totalled, left tire is bent…the list goes on. I just want to cry :frowning:

oh jeeze that reallly sucks

sorry to that happened to you man… moment of silents… you got any pics… hope you and your friend are okay stillz

its a chick, and im soooo sorry to hear that paula!

it’ll be ok… all the more reason to get an s13 :smiley:

i have pics…i’ll post them shortly…sigh

the pics suck cause they were taken with my cell phone…it looks soo much worse in person…

Any structural damage?

i really won’t know for sure until after the dealership takes a look at it…

I’m glad you’re okay Paula. Have you driven the car at all once you got it off the snow bank?

The front left wheel looks like it got hooked behind the pole… Not good…

it wasn’t driveable…and the tire did wrap itself around the pole quite nicely

Well without seeing detailed pics, it seems like the wheel would pull away from the motor rather than push towards the motor. If it’s away then it’s better. The CV joints will be gone, but at least your tranny might still be in good order.
If it were pushing towards your tranny, engine mounts and Half shaft would probably be ****ed.
Correct me if I’m wrong FWD Nissan guys, but the output shaft on the inner CV joint is held into the motor by a C-Clip, and tugging on it rapidly with force will pop that C-clip loose. If that’s the case, a crash like that would pop the Half Shaft out.
Unfortunately there’s also the possibility of the output shaft on the inner CV joints bending back in the Tranny, but the two CV joints should act as some cushion for that motion.

Other than that, Lower Control, strut, sway bar end link, tension rod or whatever they use as equivalent… NFG.
Does that car use an Upper Control arm? If so, NFG. Hopefully your frame is straight.

My car had a similar situation in the beginning of this year, only the wheel got pushed in and not pulled out like yours.

damm, sorry about the accident. out of all the places a pole always shows up some how.!!!

can you please tell me is this sentra good, i’m thinking to get one and ditching the maxima for a while, your car looks like the 04 models and brand new. I’m wondering why your car rear end slipped, were your rear tires less threaded? or is the car like that? (slips)

She is the greatest car!! She is an 06 and fantastic in the winter…it was just a freak thing that she slipped out of control. Tires are in great shape considering i’ve only had her a year and a half. I just hope they can fix her so I can drive her again…it would break my heart if i couldn’t

fewhh thanks for the quick response, im looking at a black 04 5spd, so i was really hoping this car is nice in winter, i had the maxima for two days and the thing slips a lot with minor mods so im going to trade it back.

anyways, thanks so much for the info:R

welcome :slight_smile: anything I could do to help…I don’t regret owning my Sentra at all…like i said…i love my car and she is the best decision I have ever made!

glad to hear your ok. this is a very good reason to get a skyline gts-4. all the reliability of a gts-t with the awd of a gtr. :wink: perfect dd and winter car. funny thing too is i know someone selling his. hehehe.

damn… cars pretty messed… hope ur arrite tho

Well, I found out this morning that there is $2000-$2500 worth of damage.

^^^ Unwanted repair but not too bad a price I guess.
Did they give you a breakdown as to what needs to be repaired?

The car is at the dealers so I guess you have no choice but to get it done there. :frowning:

It was my mom they talked to…I can always call them to get a breakdown as to what exactly is damaged…I also have to call my insurance company still and let them know what’s up…