so I got pulled over by some dude in a golf cart in Pennsyltucky...

hahah wow. so I went with a bunch of friends today down to Import Fusion in Pittsburgh. after getting lost, losing people, etc, we finally get to the park where the show was held. I’m always the one last in line who gets left behind, so once I paid my parking fee, I tried to stick with the pack as much as possible…there were various obstacles to get to the parking lot including the roughest speed bumps I’ve ever encountered in my life, and a ton of random stop signs. in spite of my efforts, I was still lagging behind everyone. I stopped at the last stop sign, which had another to the right of it, seeming to be for an access “on ramp” for delivery vehicles or whatever. after the stop sign, I did my best to catch up to the rest, but knew not to go too fast being that it was a state park, yadda yadda…so we go in to park, and here comes this golf cart rolling up behind me. as I was waiting for the car ahead of me to park, this guy walks up to me with his little official pa police polo on and starts bitching at me…the dialog went something like this:

guy: “do you have any idea what the speed limit here is?”
me: “ummm no I dont”
guy: “fourteen miles per hour! you were speeding and you blew the stop sign! where’s your driver’s license?!?”
me: “uhh in my wallet?”
guy: “license and registration” (…handed it to him…he walkies over and starts to run my plate in his little walkie talkie lingo) “ny plate alpha victor bravo…”
me: “sorry if I was speeding, being that there was no posted speed limit, I just assumed it was the same as the street that turned into this”
guy: “well you have two options: I can either write you 2 citations for $200 each, or you can save yourself the hassle and go spend it on your girlfriend or something”

…no ticket, no nothing…he basically wasted his breath and proved to me that PA is just as back asswords as I thought it was

first off, I had no idea that I could get pulled over and ticketed by a rentacop in a golf cart, second 14mph speed limit? Pa must be fuckin retarded.

and for those of you who are gonna say it’s my own fault for speeding and I should be happy that I didn’t get ticketed, any of my friends can vouch for me that a good 99% of the time I drive like an 80 year old woman as well as make full stops and stop signs.

I drive like an 80 year old woman as well as make full stops and stop signs.

Vouched :loopie:

fun. ive sen 5 1/4 mph and 11.7 mph here in new york. 5 1/4 at rainbow lake and the other at a plae on walden by wende correctional facility. inb4whyareyoubitchingaboutnotgettinganytickets

i call BS, PA loves to give NY plates tickets.


i call BS, PA loves to give NY plates tickets.


I second that. seems like they always love fucking with us…kinda like when we went to carlisle and they told my buddy the wing on his sti was illegal cuz it looked aftermarket and threatened to write him a ticket

The funny part is this crazy old lady who gave us directions to the park said with such emphasis

“look out for ar coppppss oout here, theyre huuugee assholes”

funny that was less that 10 minutes of when you got pulled over lol

yeah, i won’t go to carlisle anymore due to the cops bullshit.

they just trying to catch ya rididn dirty


official pa police polo on

I had no idea that I could get pulled over and ticketed by a rentacop in a golf cart


seems like you got pulled over by a PA police officer… Police officers dont need to be wearing a uniform to be a cop

true he drives like a girl lmfao. i was laughing tho seeing that you were pulled over for 10 minutes in a parking lot. haha

Who pulls over for a golf cart??? Couldn’t out run it?

NYS park police have TONS of authority, if i’m not mistaken.

I got a speeding ticket off of the Robert Moses by a park cop.


NYS park police have TONS of authority, if i’m not mistaken.


absolutely true. They are just like a state trooper with more power cause all they have to do is say i think you are a poacher and search your car without a warrent or your permission.


5 1/4 at rainbow lake


I still wonder every day how they got that speed. What the hell is it based on? Golf carts alone go 12 mph.


absolutely true. They are just like a state trooper with more power cause all they have to do is say i think you are a poacher and search your car without a warrent or your permission.


Are park police the same as the DEC guys?

im pretty sure if its a state park it would be.