so i guess my car is slow

Boost creep I hate you and would like internet attention for saying so… Then I will hug you in person since I love you…

fair enough

hugs not drugs


I’m just gonna say it the way I see it . Slow u and I started off bad but after talkin to ya and hanging u are chill as hell . U and I have the same mentality lol . Death like I said before u need to chill on your bragging on a car that don’t even run yet . It’s cool to be confident and all but your estimating on others setups your motor may not do what its suppoesd to . It’s a fact no to motors are alike . That is also a very shitty lowblow even thinkin of talkin shit about a kid esp when cliff just likes busting balls and it seams u can’t take it when given back . U never did shit to me so I have no bad feelings on ya .

im still KOTS

That was never in question

No one has the same set up im doing. Its out of the question. I wont be posting or hanging out much more.

see , why ya gotta get all pissy ? most of this ya brought on yourself man . now when ya get shit back ya say that ? why man ?

nick all this arguing aside…ur doing a lab test on a rat…you have no idea what will truly happen untill its tuned and runs down the tack. on paper im sure the math with the nubers add’s up but thats not always the case as we all know on here lol (not saying your cars a rat its just a saying) with that said, i wish ya luck on a bad ass outcome

Im getting pissy because the 2 people i was saying stuff in front of, which i clearly stated above what i said, apparently are saying i said more and that i was bad mouthing him. Ive known greg for a few years, ive said numerous times i dont have a problem with him in person and on here yet everyone thinks we want to kill eachother. Its fun to talk trash and bust balls but everyone on here gets so fucking serious and gay over shit. Its stupid.

I agree 100% man. I have to talk it up for myself at least so i can stay interested after not having it for 5 months.

i havent talked about my car and i got u beat by 2 months…hense y i wassent in lg…too butthurt to go throw salt in my wounds watching everyone else…lol ive got everyone beat on downtime lmaooooo im not proud of that btw!

What did I supposely say that went beyond what we all know ? All we talked about is how ya say your car is gonna run circles around everyone and Noone has any idea of what anything is gonna do untill its done .

greg is a good guy helped me change my plugs in the staging lanes as the lane next to me was going and death is also a good guy too.

i have no problems with either

There are a lot of good people on here with various internet personalities. The only way to really get to know someone is TO COME OUT TO THE MEETS (whereever they may be, LG just flat out works for May-early Sept)

what did you fuck up on the Camaro?

clutch n rear end, car is totalled.

Buncha good guys ITT

I lit the tires up last night leaving and no shift fags saw it.

cameo dont need water.

Death must be mad , he deleted me as a f.b friend lol .