so i guess my car is slow

super butt hurt ITT. i dont have enough time in the day to get in the middle of a bunch of gossip. rather than cry and complain, why dont you get your car done and line up with him nick. that should put an end to it. stop being a whiney herb.

Or he is jealous that we talk to him

Nick deleted be too, whatever I guess, I was always cool with him in person, took him for a ride in the car and helped with all his ethanol/turbo questions

Holy drama, no wonder I’ve made it to like 3 events this season…

Dudes complaining because he hasnt had his car in 5 months, Im pushing two and half years lol.

i know , shit talk drives us to better the car as far as i look at it lol . nick bitches up and gets all pissy . christ imagine what he would do if we chaneled our pjb talents onto him . he would kill himself

Shit talk is good…beating me is better cause it will just make me go bigger…I’ve done this game with bikes for years…always doing the one up…I haven’t with cars since I was 23 yrs old and built a pro street 72 nova with a all motor 509 bbc with a glide…I ran 9.4 at 143 in that car doing my 60 times with me rear wheels…ill have to post some pics of it…

Anyway I like the trash talk I just get Pissed when the line is crossed…some don’t know the line and should think before they type or speak…this is not singling anyone out…

It would be nice of we all took our cars we spend our money blood sweat n tears on and all hangout at the track and actually helped each other instead of bashing each other…the potential is there

The internet is really a total new form of communication, it’s the gray area between ‘in real life’ and what you think to yourself or only tell your closest friends. Pretty crazy when you think about it. Message forums allow you to quickly share thoughts that you might of kept to your self, but, those same thoughts can lead to “IRL” conflicts that would of never happened without the internet as the communication media.


2 more than me.

Glad that made sense. I haven’t slept in a long time

I’m a general jackass in person and on here, but it’s funny how the internet is like a whole other personality for some people (no one in particular)

“He’s so nice and quiet in person, but he’s an asshole on shift”


“Motherfucker post pics of his cock, and then took his pants off@PnR”


youve been up to LG both times I was there (besides this weekend) so theres 2 right there Brett

and jumped on me topless in Lake George

I was gonna say, Brett has been to ~3 LG meets…not that there is anything wrong with that:dunno

id hardly consider those to be events paul j.brown


I actually enjoye(d) the LG meets better than the shit at the Nationals…but that’s just me.

no reason to stop car meets…shit our season is so limited we should do them till nov/first snow fall…even tho i dont goto all id liike to still look forward to some coming up

well they were planned on here in advance so I think they fall in that category. More than just a random showing if it was planned ahead of time.

While they were fun I dont think they topped the nationals. Theres just something about being with thousands of people and seeing all hell break loose up there.

I remember going to the McDonald’s lot back when it was good and standing around a kerosene heater to keep warm because it was 30* out