So my car is for sale again ha

while I see your logic, and completely agree with most of it, don;t be so down on yourself because you got one ticket. Just because you have a car like that does not mean that every time you pull it out of the garage you have to go and race it. Very seldom do I pound the shit out of my racing it around. Theres nothing wrong with having a car and just cruising in it. As long as you’re not doing anything wrong, then you don;t even have to worry about the cops, really. Yeah, theres gonna be that dick cop that will pull you over for having loud exhaust or some bullshit thing, but hey, thats life. Get an exhaust thats reasonably quiet for cruising and get cutouts for the track. If you only get to the track once or twice a year, then so be it. Theres also nothing wrong with having a little fun on the street every once and a while, like maybe racing a guy off a light or something here and there, but like I said, you dont have to go race your car every time you pull it out of the garage. Nothing wrong with having a nice car that got a couple things done to it to give it a little kick in the pants when you need it, and just cruising and having a good time. If you’re selling the car because you REALLY cannot afford the payments, thats one thing and I totally respect you for admitting you made the wrong decision financially and are trying to get out of it before you get in too deep. If you’re selling it because you are scared of getting in trouble with it and can’t afford tickets, then you’re selling it for the wrong reasons and you need to re-think because getting yourself in trouble and getting yourself hurt are all things you can avoid and have full control over for the most part.