So my iPod has died...

Last time I checked we weren’t talking about Best Buy, where the customer isn’t always right. Yelling at the customer is a big no-no in the world of retail…

except for fucking assholes. Like yourself.

Alright, after the debate clears up, I just want to mention it’s not user error when the wheel gave out this time. It sat in my room for like 4 of the 5 months I had it. And then I gave it to Pat to put in his car to replace his iPod shuffle (pile of shit). It sits in his car in a case, it’s been a month.

dude if you called adelphia i’d transfer you to tier3 spanish

lmfao, tier 3 spanish

Doesn’t surprise me that you work on the phones for Adelphia… Worst customer service ever…

Yeah i have this one extention at work that just puts ppl on hold for like 4 mins and hangs up on them, i send all the assholes there…

Since we are off topic, why is my Adelphia remote f’ed up?
The settings button now functions as the favorites button used to.
The other buttons are f’ed up too.

An extention on the building? Is this for walk-ins? When you put them on hold do you sing them a song? How do you hang up on them?

Unless you are talking about an extension…

i do internet… i don’t even know how to work my DVR shit at all :lol:

just call cable tech service, they’ll help you :slight_smile:

jim go post something of value

did you purchase applecare?

no? ok go buy a new ipod, and thats that.

There is NOTHIGN you can do

Take your own advice. I am one of the only people to post anything of value…

man, come to some meets or something. i started posting toolbox stuff when i first got on ubrf. you’re prolly pretty cool in person, don’t take me seriously.

what do you drive?

EDIT: dude you gotta come to some drift meets, we found a phat lot out in west seneca last year…

Haha, thanks… Don’t worry, you haven’t offended me; I do enjoy getting into debates like these every once in a while tho… I drive an 03 monte…

ROFFL because i have done it before!!! Spanish que xfers 4 lyfe!! Its even funnier than transferring to Mr.d’tone

your iPOS broke after the warranty ended. you = SOL. Game over.

I will scam them before I buy a new one.

“Extention” isn’t even a word, let alone does it refer to a building in any way. :roll2:

hahahahaha and the grammer cop in to burst everyones bubble

I :heart: you

Actually it is a word… I just used it incorrectly as well… haha

extention - Movement at a joint, bringing two parts into or toward a straight line, increasing the angle of the joint. Opposite of flexion.