So occupy Buffalo...

Meh when i get out of school i expect to start at the bottom and work up. People love to bitch, i guess its something for them to do.

side note - there are quite a few people who have not been in classes lately because they are doing this nonsense.

If they want a job, Join the military.

You are missing their point, they don’t want to work, they want money.

But you have time to post on NYSpeed all the time? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway guys, the thing I like about these protests is that they’re average people protesting the fact the the gap between the rich and the poor is getting larger and larger. There’s data that proves it. We (the middle class) are getting burned day in and day out.

I love this article:

I and my wife are both 36, and the parents to 8 children. That


Don’t have 8 kids?

I don’t think a lot of the people out there are there for the right reasons but do you guys really think all the unions and veterans supporting this movement should “get a job?”

What about BoA? You guys think it’s ok for us to have bailed them out after putting us in a huge national crisis and then turn around so they charge us 5 dollars a month to use our money? Isn’t that defeating the point of banks?

I know everyone here is from Buffalo but really moving out of state makes you really realize the depth of how bad our economy really is. I have friends who are working their asses off and can’t catch a break for the life of them, living in straight poverty with 1 or even 2 degrees. My friends aren’t dumb/lazy by any means and are probably harder workers then anyone I know but simply can’t find a job that pays more then minimum wage and it’s killing them, because so many better qualified people are showing up for the job interviews coming off of being laid-off with 15 years of experience.

What about health care? It sucks someone like me who IS working and making a decent living independently has to pay a little under 600 dollars a MONTH for health care. Isn’t that a bit much for someone who hasn’t been in the hospital in over 5 years and has no major health issues? Hell I don’t even smoke or drink. I think we need something.

OK I bit, flame away, because honestly I don’t keep up with politics at all, but I do foresee the biggest recession of all coming right around the corner as a result of a lot of the shit these people are rioting for. Plus cops beating on the peaceful vets in Boston…pretty shitty man…plus they censor all of this shit on the news and even facebook/twitter if you notice. I don’t think that’s right. Go on Twitter and look at the trending topics they are basically lowest common denominator as fuck…“I LOVE BEIBER” and shit - but when something pops off, it’ll be there then taken down. Feels like they’re almost conditioning us to be dumber and not talk about anything relevant.

There’s absolutely no doubt the middle class is slowing getting shuffled into lower class statistically, and that’s something that should really concern everyone. I’m actually proud that in a day and age of stupidity people actually have the balls to go out and protest something they think is wrong and turn off the fucking Kardashians show for once.


I’ve been feeling lonely lately. Thanks for joining me. :wink:
I’ve told many off with the “get a job” thing. Clearly they don’t know personally or maybe even through a friend or family member what it’s like to find a job in a recession. Not any recession but the biggest money vacuum that ever took place. It’s cozy from the inside looking out and laughing at how “lazy” people are. Walk a mile in their shoes as they say.

I feel you. I’m fortunate and I see that. One of my closest friends just called me literally 30 minutes ago and told me he went to the hospital today - he works for the USPS and got attacked by a pitbull today. He went to the hospital because he had to, cops were called all that. As soon as he left the hospital, he went right back to work. Why? Because he’s facing the fact he could lose his job for costing the USPS money even though it was out of his hands. He loses his job, he can’t afford to pay his rent. He was unemployed for a while and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t work harder - it’s a sad reality. Now one of the higher ups comes and has to survey the situation, and showing up to work again is hopefully looking in his favor, because a month ago a guy got bit, was told he could take a few days off and never came back.

A lot of the people involved have no idea what they want and are just protesting because it’s the cool thing to do, or so they can attack the MAN, but the core of the movement starting was in the right place. The Fortune 500 are making record profits, yet turning around and continue to fire workers, stockpile cash, cut salary on the bottom 99% while they raise it for the top 1%, and basically screwing the economy. Any publicly traded company who doesn’t follow these practices has the wealthy major shareholders throw a shit fit to the board, and management gets tossed out in favor of someone who will. I see it firsthand at work where we only made $13.2 BILLION in profits last year. What did the stockholders do? They wanted 13.7 Billion, this was unacceptable! Forced out the CEO/Chairman, installed a new team, and their first plan of action is to cut 30,000 jobs worldwide, sell off tons of profitable businesses and put more people out of work, like the First Niagara and Capital One deals, and institute a hiring freeze in order to try to move the stock price. Next step is to implement more ridiculous fees to force anyone who doesn’t have millions invested with us to either leave, or pay up.

The real 1% figure is the proportion of applicants that get hired for any job that doesn’t suck. Even if 75% of them are unqualified, that means every job has a pool of 25 qualified applicants for it. It’s all supply and demand. So either 1 of the 25 knows someone, has connections, is vastly overqualified and just desperate, or willing to work far below market wage, and that’s who gets it. No one on this board is the 1%, short of maybe two that I can think of offhand. It’s a race to the bottom for the big companies in terms of head count, wages, and costs, in order to appease the shareholders. Only way to benefit is to be the shareholder, but like anything else, you have to have money to make money. 100k a year is not the problem. 100 million a year is.

Thus the problem with publicly traded companies.

To back up my comments earlier: You are not the 1%.
This is the 1%.
#1) The Top 1% Owns 40% of the Nation’s Wealth:
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz points out the richest 1% of Americans now own 40% of the nation’s wealth. This disparity is much worse than it was in the past, as just 25 years ago the top 1% owned 33% of national wealth.
How much does the bottom 80% own? Only 7%.
#2) The Top 1% Take Home 24% of National Income:
While the richest 1% of Americans take home almost a quarter of national income today, in 1976 they took home just 9% – meaning their share of the national income pool has nearly tripled in roughly three decades.
#3) The Top 1% Own Half of the Country’s Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds: The Institute for Policy Studies illustrates this massive disparity in financial investment ownership, noting that the bottom 50% of Americans own only 0.5% of these investments.
#4) The Top 1% of Americans Have Only 5% of the Nation’s Personal Debt:
Using 2007 figures, sociologist William Domhoff points out that the top 1% have 5% of the nation’s personal debt while the bottom 90% have 73% of total debt.
#5) The Top 1% Are Taking In More off the Nation’s Income Than at Any Other Time Since the 1920s: Not only are the wealthiest 1% of Americans taking home a tremendous portion of the national income, but their share of this income is greater than at any other time since the Great Depression, as the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities illustrates in this chart, using 2007 data.

I’m curious if anyone has any legit solutions to the above issues Joe mentioned…besides stand outside and protest.


Money can’t buy you happiness but everyone in this country is obsessed with money. I guess it shows how ignorant Americans are. lol

Money can buy you happiness.

That quote is the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard.

How many angry people drive exotic sport cars, jet skis, go on vacation?

Plenty of assholes do.