So occupy Buffalo...

So some old tourist is walking through and one of these people throws a sign over his neck and takes a picture before he even knows what is going on? Just sayin… I trust no one. :smiley:

good article.

Oh good this was moved to politisuck.


You are a zionist slave.

Thank you. :smiley:

Sorry but that’s horribly convoluted thinking. I don’t care to go into further details nor will I discuss this further with you. I respect many of your posts and I respect that you’re highly opinionated…I just cannot agree here.

Historically speaking unionization and high taxes on the rich were the way we solved this problem the first time around, but in a global economy those are a lot tougher than they were coming out of the depression.

One way to start evening out the tax burden is to tax all cap gains as income when your total is over a certain amount, say 1MM per year. Why should money you work for be taxed at 30+% but money that isn’t earned, that comes off of having a big trust fund parked in investments be taxed at 15? I can understand the argument that you shouldn’t double tax people at the high rate who are making money off their IRA or playing the market with their disposable income, but if you’re generating a million a year in cap gains you aren’t in this group…you’re probably a retired CEO or trust fund baby just making their cash do the work for them.

My issue with higher taxes on anyone is the government already does a piss poor job at managing the money they already get. Give an addict access to more drugs and what will happen?

“Why should money you work for be taxed at 30+% but money that isn’t earned, that comes off of having a big trust fund parked in investments be taxed at 15?”
This is an excellent point Joe.

A company that is feeding its employee’s family pays 30% in taxes but a guy that simply makes a phone call to his broker pays 15%, that really never made sense to me especially because my Chinese competition pays ZERO corporate tax and has facilities/plants given to him at no cost. It is almost like our govt doesn’t want us to succeed and would rather have us lay everyone off, shut down, and play the market instead. It is definately screwed up but no one wants to take the bad tasting medicine.

I wonder if any of the occupiers know how long they’ll stay? “We’re here, we’re mad, and we’re not leaving until… Until… Umm, when do you guys want to go home? Do we, like, make a banker apologize or something?”

both excellent points.

the need for higher taxes is a symptom of more systemic governmental issues

im all for some mild protectionist policies to level the playing field with some nations just o long as they dont impact your neighbour to the north.

Let’s make a short list for the disorganized movement folks out there, shall we?

  1. End lobbying & political contributions by corporations, banks and the shells they currently use to hide the “donations”.
  • It’s bribery, corrupt money with strings!
  1. There is no such thing as “too big to fail”. Let bankrupt companies flop and be auctioned off. An auction is the best way to find fair accepted value.
  • Don’t buy crap companies for top dollar on the nations dime!
  1. End fractional reserve lending.
  • It’s wildly inflationary and steals our spending power!
  1. Stop borrowing our own currency at interest.
  • Interest is a destructive monster that requires inflation!
  1. Remove or limit the Federal Reserve’s ability to inflate and stop allowing them to be rogue. Demand transparency.
    -Again, inflation steals the nations spending power and enslaves us all to debt.

The above would force political candidates to be less dishonest and less corrupt.

The above would ensure true capitalism, which is spending national resources where they will produce the best growth and benefit, not the most inflation.

The above would limit the bankers ability to create bubbles and stop the Federal Reserve from climbing in bed with the bankers to trigger inflation and easy money.

As you can see I focus on honesty, integrity and controlling if not eliminating inflation. I can go on but I think this provides a tight focus with broad benefits. Unlike our government and the banking cartel I look for the most bang for my buck. :wink:
Does anyone have anything to add or swap?

Don’t forget that they want to end corporate greed.

If I ever find myself working for a corporation that’s not greedy, I’ll quit.

I won’t. Today’s corp’s are the worst since the Rockefellers and the Carnegies 100 years ago. Record profits? Cut more jobs, we have to beat them next year!

I agree with both you and Fry on some level.
Greed is a necessary evil in a monetary society. You have to be hungry for MORE than you’re fair share of the pie if you are to succeed. Balance is required though and that’s where the morons (greedy corps and go-mint) are losing sight of the big picture. Without any balance they are making more money but at the expense of having employed consumers to continue the cycle. They are as I often refer to “a snake eating it’s own tail”. They will cut the workforce to please shareholders and boost profits, but at some point that becomes cannibalistic. Beyond that, as Joe pointed out…the majority of shares are held by very wealthy people. People that aren’t hurt by layoffs. So rewarding and focusing on the share price is a good portion of what is killing the middle class.

EVERY stock market boom going forward won’t be on fundamental growth as we’ve already hyper extended reality. Any price increase will be from inflation and will come at the expense of nominal value. The sheep aren’t smart enough to understand this though and all they care about is that their 401k doesn’t drop in price…with no consideration of VALUE!

I think that’s why the corps are making such a hard push toward emerging markets. They have to get the 3rd world living beyond their means in order to continue to push unsustainable short-term growth up because the first world consumer is pretty much maxed out on debt.

^^^^^Stop using the Executive Order. This is not a monarchy.

When these type of protests started around Europe, etc Glenn Beck said it will be coming here. Looks like he was right. This could turn into a great excuse for Martial Law, you know they are looking for one. We don’t need no stinking Constitution! YAY!

Meh. The constitution hasn’t been anything but an idol on a shelf for 80 years…

The executive order is what it comes to in order to run the day-to-day functions of government these days. A divided Congress, combined with the absurd misuse of the filibuster of the last decade, is all but useless. Even the most bipartisan bills require all kinds of stupid shit and handouts to be tacked on or they get infinitely stalled, err “Debated.”

Agreed. Outsourcing is in fact Americanizing the world. It’s wild to see how India for example has gained a disposable income and how that is disrupting their long term familial structure and traditions. America is poisoning the world it could be argued. :wink:
At the end of the day I view human life as parasitic to the hosting planet. I’m far from a green tree hugger but I do think there should be some attempt at conservation.

WHAT?!? Oh its Fry. :slight_smile:

greed is fine if it manifests itself through innovation or increasing value to consumers in the interest of growing or stealing marketshare from others who are less innovative et al (think Apple vs. RIM at the moment)

but greed is bad when it manifests itself through bribery and usurpation of the political process, which is really at the core of each of the issues that have lead to the Occupy movement.

i dont thikn Glenn Beck was right about anything… it was easy to predict that this would slowly move to the US. I suggested it recently… Josh advised that it would never happen because of some American evolutionary process or something like that… poo poo to you Josh :slight_smile:LINK