So whos on a Diet?

you lift weighs you will gain muscle mass, you do cardio you will burn fat. along with a clean diet you need a good amount of both to get “toned”

They are down to like 18 or 19 now :frowning:

i resolve to make more money. :slight_smile:

Weight Watchers is going to be swamped this week! Here’s for a larger pay check there :slight_smile:

:nono: To get “toned” you have to reduce bf% which in most cases you would have to lose weight. A good clean diet eating 5-6 small healthy meals with a solid lifting routine would work for you.

For me I want to get more strict on my diet. I would like to get up to a lean 225 lbs (about 10-12% bf) where I am at 205-210 now. 20-25 lbs of lean muscle aint no joke to gain so we’ll see.

ur still a ():boink

the easiest way to lose weight is to walk 1st thing in the morning. your body burns more fat when on an empty stomach, so as soon as you wake up, go for a 30-45 minute walk. it will help raise your heart rate/metabolism. plus, try switching to smaller meals, and lay off white flour based products-bread, pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. try sweet potatoes, wheat bread/pasta, grain rice…


Are you a nutritionalist or a personal trainer?

I am not drinking much anymore… eating bad except for on tuesday nights… I have been to the gym everyday for the past 3 weeks… I have actually dropped 14lbs… I have to get down to a decent weight to play hockey competetively for school next year… should eb a fun journey…

i should cut back on the drinking but that wont last more than a few days

I never knew that…Maybe I will start walking when I get home from work at 6am.

read the lifting/diet thread and follow the advise.

I have a hard enough time gaining weight, I definitely don’t need a diet.

If you truely want to gain weight, then you do need a diet

225lb and solid.haha. But forreal just keep to my normal routine of running and try maintain being healthy. Possibly attempt to eat a little better:)

I could quit a lot of things…

… i just don’t want to


Green Tea in a bottle is loaded with sugars… only drink the diet.

yeah well im on a 30grams of fat or less a day diet.I was eating a ton of fatty foods now I can eat as much fruit and veggies and have to keep the fat intake down…

Fat should be about 30% of your diet. Where 20% is unsat fat and 10% is sat fat. A good general rule is 30% fat, 30% carbs (veggies and wheat are good sources), and 40% protein. Then you should focus on reducing you calorie intake. To do that you need to get an idea of how much you need to maintain your current weight, then reduce it by 500 calories. If that doesn’t work good enough reduce it another 200-300 calories. Do all this while trying to eat 5-6 small meals/day which will help get your metabolism going.

You would make a great cop


you know its time to hit the gym when that happens…


thats all im drinking. I meant the diet*. Still for being diet its sweet as all hell. Arizona diet green tea.