some CLEAN cars


UK BABY! :slight_smile:

I have to admit, being out here in Europe for the past 2 years, it has really opened up my eyes to 2 things:

1)Most North Americans have no taste when it comes to modifing and they do cheese things or buy cheap crap. Most Europeans do nice clean jobs and they will no buy what ever parts fit their budget, they would rather wait and save their money and buy nice highend parts for their cars and they are willing to spend big money for clean body work.

  1. The road salt we use in North America pure kills the cars, here I see no rust, old cars look good even with high kilometers, the cars get preserved better here. And the roads are in much better condition here and the cars don’t take a beating just by driving like they do in Canada. The Canadian highways re full of pot hole, road cracks and these things that are like mini speed bumps but when you hit them at 120 with a lowered 240sx they feel like huge speed bumps, they say they are cause my the asphalt due to drastic temperature changes or some shit.

Yeah Canada sucks for weather/conditions/keeping a nice car/nice roads/ to much idiot salt on the road/anything elese to do with motorsports/driving in general…


but those are some nice cars for sure! :smiley:


That blue kouki is TITS!!

duude, that is TOTAL bullshit. i don’t think that’s an accurate generalization at all.

I have seen the worst riced out cheesy jalopies in MANY cities and countries throughout both Western & Eastern Europe.

Way too much of the euro “tuning” scene still revolves around lambo doors, gaudy body kits, terrible wheels and altezza tail lights.

The euro scene may be getting better and better… but to say “most” euro mods are clean and “most” NA mods are cheesy is totally untrue.

Not to mention, there are soooo many euro cars that get “upgraded” from 85 to 120 hp and their owners all of a sudden act and drive like they’ve got F430s or something.

Of course that happens here, too, but it’s not exclusive to these shores by a long shot.

im looking for a 240 sx clean ans lots of power

^ get the fuck out! lmao…

Yes there are ricers here in Europe too! We call them “Linguiners” because usualy it will be a riced out Fiat LOL!
I guess I should of made my self more clear, I was mostly talking about the guys that have the $. Most of those guys go all out! I have seen some awesome AMG’s and M’s here as well as some awesome Jap. cars too and the thing I noticed is that most have clean work done to them and many of these guys have expensive parts on their car they don’t buy the cheap shit.

In North america most of us do up our cars slowly and we add to them every year or whatever. Here they have a different attitude, it’s all or nothing. If someone can’t afford to do all the upgrades they want to their car, they will drive it stock for like a year to save up the money they need and all of a sudden do everything all at once. You see a stock vehicle become a pure street machine in a few days! Engine, turbo, exhaust, suspension, rims, brakes, interior, sound, body kit and paint all at once!

But yeah you are right about the rice going on here too I see these 1.2L 85HP cars with mods that give them an extra 15HP and these guys now think they have a race car and the funny thing is they brag about it LOL.

^ Is this guy for real? LOL!

Lmao , made my day

cars are all pretty dope. that black 180 with the euro tails would be perfection if you just changed the tail-lights…

there’s definitely enough ricers in britain though…i have many back issues of Max Power and Fast Car that would attest to it!


They love that magazine in Europe! It’s sooooo rice lol! And there’s also another ricer Magazine called Burn out that they swear by.

Thank God there are some3 awesome cars out here that totally make up for the riced out ones. Here in Europe FIAT is Honda when it comes to rice and I say that because it seems like Fiat and Peugeot are the only two brand of vehicles you see riced out and the odd Citroen.

Sorry but those cars arent that clean. Theres some poor fitment on most of those cars and really other than body kits and different wheels what makes these car so much cleaner than what you see in the US or here?

I agree with Mike 100%, the Euro-ricer tuning scene is still strong and rampant over there and it’s worse there then it is here. At least the F&F trend has died here, enthusiasts are building better cleaner cars.

Oh and I think that RX7 has ROTAs that have been painted GREEN to mimic the takata TEs…So much for the Europeans buying high end parts theory.

i can never beleive that these cars dont rub like crazy on the track… you just cant be that close to the top inner fender and have literally NO compression when you load up the car on a hard entry.

1)Most North Americans have no taste when it comes to modifing and they do cheese things or buy cheap crap. Most Europeans do nice clean jobs and they will no buy what ever parts fit their budget, they would rather wait and save their money and buy nice highend parts for their cars and they are willing to spend big money for clean body work.

Absolutely. Most Europeans who build a proper car if they build a car up, they build it all out or not at all… no point cheapening out with crap when you’ll be spending double later.

Look what spd-dmn wrote. He pretty much covered it.

You’re a clown. Shut up.

^^ LOL