some pics/vid of my bimmer w/updates(56k no way)

looks good,jonny.i coming over this weekend to check this pile out

Tits :tup:

good job on the fab work… the layout is Key, props newman.

jesus john you are really going to town on this one man, keep up the good work:tup:

ok, but bring my rear sway bar with ya.:wink:

thank you

and thanks again.:slight_smile:

Wow nice :tup:

thats pretty awesome. looking good man :tup:

love ur build man.

nice work:tspry:


Nice. I like doing things myself, but that certainly is more work than I’d be willing to do. How many hours do you have into that manifold already?


^ if you saw the prices of these manifolds you would DIY it too. The merge collectors alone are $200+

yep the manifold woulda cost $2000.00 if i woulda bought it. Then i woulda had to wait for it to be made. Ive got about 4-5hrs into the collector, and then maybe another 9-10hrs into the rest? i wasnt paying too much anttention to time. Im sure if i were to build another one, i could cut the time down by ALOT. but i dont think ill make anymore, this was kinda a pita.

That is beautiful, looks like u had ure work cut out for ya…I miss my e36



Sick shit. Keep it up. :tup:

haha when me and bill were over remember I said the whole car was gonna get done the next day…

I went over to bills the next day and he showed me the pics of the almost finished mani


ready to do the e46 next? haha

i think it all looks pretty good

1 concern i have is, does bill gross know you took those gloves from derrick?

That’s faster than I thought, I figured the 3 hours to put the mani on and take it off would have really increased the build time. I guess you don’t have check it as often while building as I thought.

:tup: can’t wait to see how it performs for you.


Nice work :tup: Cant wait to see that thing in action!

pictures look awesome. can’t wait to hopefully see your car in person this year!

nice john… how will the charge pipes go now …or will you flip the charge side 145* or are you going right threw the side there…