SON BBQ / Spring Meet

Look, I dont give a shit if this happens or not, Im offering you people an extremely central open space in Toronto to hold this event.

Take it or leave it.

sexy bitches in bathing suits? who wouldent be down.

a jew enough said
on another note i`m still stiking with may 9th?does that work for anyone

" jus TAKE IT and go "

im a jew.
fuck u kollo. LOL

lol to the above comment.

You have to bring your cammo tee again, and your “Capris”

We also need an unlimited supply of water bottles.

Hehehe, Im wearing it now. And my SHPANTS will be out in full force.

Water is to be provided by kind SON240 patrons :slight_smile:

Are people down with May 10th? Sunday Afternoon sound good?

personally i am down for any date… but i am with fastback and the others this should be a meet and greet for everyone to meet each other then we have the season kick off at wasaga beach.

May 10th Sounds Excellent

May 10 sounds perfect, Osad


I was drinking water when I read that and literally choked:(

May 10th is good. Gotta get the car on the road assaps.

^ haha honestly…

I litterally fucken laughed my head of too!!

:thumright: to Osad for the best post on SON ever

GPK is such a better idea, why drive all the way out to wasaga to FIND a park just sit on the grass when GPK already can get everything (tables and chairs) set up for us in no time? I went to the HondaTech meet at GPK and they had their whole patio set up for everyone to sit, chill, smoke, and shoot the shit.


That was a fun meet.

shut up will, nobody asked for your 2cents.

LOL same to you mr "i get stuck in snow banks and i drive a truck "

may 10th works!!

I am in for May 10th

ok so may 10th? does that work with everyone? now we need a time and for sure place.

Blah, that’s so late, more than a month after my car is back on the road. You guys are slackers :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ LOL This is coming from the original slacker, so sat at home all the time playing warcraft -_- nice