Son240sx = Fight Club

It is time; I think Son has grown large enough now. We have all ready taken over the dealerships, the drift scene, the part source’s and most low level electronic stores. We can use our incredible ability to source Megan Racing parts from 5 different venders on the same sight to our advantage. It is our time to take it a step further, we need someone to run for Mayer; if Mel Lastman, can do it any one can do it. We need to infiltrate the police force, and the insurance company’s. We all ready have that cool method of communication, with all that flickering head lights and honking horns at each other to recognize greatness! No longer will we take crap from the government making new driving laws once a week! No longer will civics rev their engines at stop lights, they will simply idle a privileged leaky exhaust sound in awe of our presence. It wasn’t our cars that brought us together it was our destinys! It is time this .org really becomes an organization it is time to rise my fellow Sonlings! RISE! Btw don’t forget to eat the meat balls at Bings meet, they are very good.

how high are you?

this is important

LMFAO. I was thinkin the exact same thing.

Oh man. I want whatever he’s on.

“…your head will collapse, but theres nothing in it and you ask yourself, where is my mind…”

Spell Check.


this is how we should be:

HAHAHAHA… reading it in the morning, I sound crazy. Yes I meant chicken balls as well; still, we do have an opportunity to turn the convoy to the Bings meet into some sort of rally against all the new driving laws. We could all drive from Mississauga to Niagara driving 90 km/h on the highway or something along those lines… It would probably make the news.

Did you mean chicken balls?

lol from thinkin son240sx was the worst piece of shit forum on the whole internet with only losers, I have come to love son240sx and there’s actually some cool peeps on here that are respectful, lots of nice projects going on, people not talking out their ass or acting confused when they hear something they never heard of before or ripping on other people/immaturity, son240sx is quite nice now :slight_smile: Worthy 240sx forum with some actual good shit going on. Plus the new site looks so much better

I think he spent quality time with towelie from south park and got ideas

Thats fuckin jokes, only things like this happen on SON…

lol have you already forgotten what happened to the Mini cooper convoy?

Never heard… Continue…

brent how toasted were you? hahah

Man, never mind all that, where is your car? I haven’t heard my windows in my bedroom rattle in a long time…

Learn to spell “Mayer”

What a retarded thread.

^ what a grouch.

I’ll vote for you if decide to run for mayer xP

Why do you have to come in here and ruin a perfectly happy thread? Everyone is having a good time, laughing it up, conversating, enjoying them self’s. Then English teacher Tocoboy Tard has to come in and ruin everything. You know the old saying, post tits or gtfo.

“…with your feet in the air, and your head on the ground…”

Lol, might as well keep it goin