
I think Clay isn’t going to get killed but kinda retire and step back .

I’ll watch it tomorrow without commercials on Tivo.

just coughtup on the 3 of the last 4 episodes. i kinda sorta watched last weeks… but i have no fuckin clue what went on… besides he was about to leave the club and then didn because of what was told. i am gonna try to watch tonight though. :slight_smile:

Opey is the man not killing that bitch and putting the fear of god into her. Chibs for going and confessing what he had done thats one big man there . Jax and Clay I kinda scene that coming .

ten times more shit happend this week than last week

missed it. Watch tomorrow. ^good to know

Really good episode …and the plot thickens


next weeks looks even better !

Ya the shit is hitting the fan now . They are just builimg us up for the season finally

This took forever to find. I guess the uploaders thought last week was the end.


i was :zzz:

Worth the watch old man
Has to be the best episode ever in the series.

i catch it friday @ 11pm

I dunno about that, but it was one of the better ones.

Is it my imagination or has Tara gotten hotter these last few episodes?

Tara was kinda hot from the beginning.

in a girl next door kinda way, never really smoking hot

good episode, but what was up with Tig almost railing Jemma? Wonder what the back story there is… Jax and Clay working together is probably the best thing for the club…

That’s why I said kinda.

That’s why I agreed

ok to be totally honest i have now idea whats going to happen tonite. there is just to much shit that can happen and i am just ready for the blood. opey will kill somebody im sure…he is a badass