Sooooooo I raced a 2010 Camaro SS today...

rematch. Tony get one, Wayne race him


Wayne is a member of Race Wars Club. He is an expert.

With both cars properly driven, no contest, SS wins.

i wanna race one with someone from here behind the wheel. god only knows WTF this putz was doing.

Tony can you get a v6 and a v8 car? Wanna see the outcome of both. :slight_smile:

SS must have been screwing around .

:rofl:rofl:rofl great story, cant wait to see the outcome of tony vs wayne

2010 camaros run high 12s…

your accord runs high 14s…

I claim driver error on the camaro

yeah he probably left it in 6th haha, j/k wayne

i’m still down for a race! I can kick the shit out of a v6 for sure! lol

Wayne hook up a small shot for the race :lol

lol at the chevy guys getting butthurt

fuck this ill race this factory freak accord in my GM econobox

we’ll see who’s bluffin’

V6’s are running 13.9’s-14.0’s…

your accord might have trouble with one of those as well…

theres one at the track every week. was a HIGH 14 second car even 15s. I will not have trouble with this.

someone rent one i don’t give a fuck, lets get it on!

Yea with a pro driver…not just a random person.

Just a heads up, Wayne doesn’t bluff when it comes to racing.

ok hot rod, but even your car beats mine, that doesn’t make the new camaro any faster. DUMB.

wayne is full of SHIT

Holy $hit Wayne you gonna let this young buck talk $hit… :lol

Alpine… This is not the dude you wanna get up on when it comes to urban warfare…

Remember when Paul Walker took Vin aside and said “I wanna make that li’l extra, need something on the side”, and then Vin slaps him a business card with a number and says “Race Wars… We’ll see how you do… Then we talk.”

That part was dubbed over.

I watched the uncut Malaysian version and he actually said “Race Wayne… Then we talk.”

MF’er is $$$erious kid!

I pulled on a 6 cyl one good on 87 about a month ago…it was great cause I got the “ricer look” from the 50 year old driving it…I was fucking around with a v8 on route 9, but there was traffic and didn’t really get to see how fast they were. They are cool, but waaay to big of a car for my liking.