speeders(david) worst nightmare!!!

thank god were only stuck with chargers and crown victoria’s here

LoL!:drivin thats not going into production…

But if you have been to london, you know why they would even consider thinking up something like this…
TT porsches there are the norm, sort of like BMW’s here… And you couldnt count the number of Lambo’s and Ferrari’s that you see in a day, you would run out of fingers and toes.
Quite the city…

they not making a production run out of it. just merely one for display purposes only. its same thing as lambo giving a diablo to the local policia.

Give me a break, worst nightmare? A mere hit between you and the police car and it will be immobilized, seriously. Broken axle,suspension, control arms etc… The only thing this would be able to catch is a GTR doin the clapdance.

yah all you would have to do is ram it and its ****ed well you might be also but its a sick car…

Pfft, i’ll pwn that with my jetta. oem built in roll-cage ftw!


sick car, but i don’t think that there are many places in London
to go really fast:S

their highways, no speed limit according to my friend who just immigrated from UK.

You should visit london… On the most narrowest streets in the world, you will see exotics flying! I kid you not…

true story.

wow how many cars has ur parents bought u… shit…

Excuse me?

Dont assume shit if you dont know what the story is. That was just plain disrespectful.

FYI, Jetta is my mom’s car. I borrow it time to time for getting shit that won’t fit into the Z.

ask me if i care if im disrespectful or not… i juss dont like u…

What is your problem? I haven’t done anything to you. You said 350Z was your dream car, I even gave you a ride in it. So what exactly is your problem with me?

Don’t tell me your jealous.

no im not jealous… my problem with u is ur comments towards me… you make comments which are disrespectful towards me that i obviously dont like…

What comments? I can’t recall any. I do recall you being disrespectful to me first.

ladies, calm the **** down and leave it as water under the bridge

the only place i could picture them using that thing IS the highway…and if theres no speed limit whats the problem? :wink: i think Canada should adopt that ideal…

^if they did i have a feeling you will be harassing dennis every single day to get your car running asap!


Gangster, but ghey

His butt hurts

The instigator of the aforementioned butt-hurted’ness
