Speeding in Needmore, PA

Got a ticket in the 55 mph zone just east of Breezewood…was clocked going 83 in a 55 EEK but he only wrote me a ticket for 61 in a 55….

Can I go to court and request defensive driving school? Do they even do this in PA? Is it worth it for me to drive all the way back out there or not? Or should I just pay it and be done w/ it? My record is clean other wise. Thanks :slight_smile:

i say just pay it. don’t think 6 over carries points.


2 point for 6-10 mph over. Probably still not worth driving back out.
Sounds like he cut you a break with the 6 over ticket.
And those points will go away in 12 months automatically.

Thanks guys! That’s what my insurance rep said too, pay it and don’t get another one for three years! I appreciate the advice :slight_smile:

I just got a 77 in a 55, 4 points and about a $200 fine. You are lucky. Pay the fine and never look back.

Because the officer cut you a break on the spot the judge can reinstate the 83 in a 55 if he doesn’t like what you have to say. I would pay it!

As I said in my reply, I’m paying it, check went out in the mail already today :slight_smile:

Not like I’d be arguing w/ the judge anyhow, I’m a pretty mature level headed woman, which is probably why the cop cut me a break in the first place lol…I acted like an adult :wink: How would the judge know how fast I was really going anyhow? Ticket says 61…:dunno:

Because the officer prob took notes on the traffic stop, and filed them in his daily report. If you were to contest the ciatation the officier would pull the notes and the judge would review them. Then he would know the original offense.

you’ve been offically charged with 61 in a 55. no matter what the judge thinks about what you say he can NOT charge you for 83 in a 55

you could drive out there and plead guilty to a lesser charge but the cop already helped you out. Could go either way. they might think your sincere for driving all the way out there and just tell them your extremely sorry.
Offer to stay a night and wash their firetrucks and police cars the next day. that beats paying fines and getting points :rofl:

Bulshit Ive had the judge tell me after I missed a hearing. That if I would have showed he would have amended the charges. SO YES HE CAN last time I checked you arent a magistrate. So STFU

you earned it, so pay it. stop speeding :stuck_out_tongue:

STFU n00b

the judge can lower charges or remove some. but its not possible for him to charge you with something higher than what you were offically charged with just because he thinks your an asshole. so in return, you can now STFU

Speeding tickets are the price you pay for the privledge to drive however fast you want. :wink:

Coming from the guy who thinks if you roll down your windows you can beat a tint ticket…lol


I never said you can beat a tint ticket by rolling down your windows.

you could possible AVOID a tint ticket.

as for above, a judge cant make your charge worse because your an asshole

Your missing the point

Lets say you get caught doing 90 in a 65mph zone, you roll down your window be polite, courteous, and respectful. So the cop cuts you a break and gives you a ticket for 71 in a 65 there for avoiding a heavy fine and possible suspension.

But you fight it, you go to court, the judge reads the officers notes and decides at that point what he decides to charge you with. At this point you haven’t been convicted yet it is his decision to charge you with what ever he wants. Weather it be for the speed indicated or reckless driving.

That is so the truth. Quoted

the judge can not find you guilty of 90 in a 65mph zone when your in fighting a ticket for a 71 in 65mph zone. Its not allowed.
what are they going to do? write you another ticket for 90 in a 65 and rip up the other one?

the judge CAN drop, or reduce the fines, points, charge, etc. but he CAN NOT jack them up higher…
your missing the point… what your saying pretty much means ( for example ) that a judge can charge you guilty of 6 over, but instead of 2 points he’s going to give you 4 because he doesnt like you.

It doesnt work like that