speeding ticket questions

hey, got pulled over saturday in north tonawanda and was given a ticket, its a 44 in a 30(cop was nice, wrote it down from a 52 in a 30) should i fight it? if so what should i say? 14 over doesnt mandate school right? any info is appreciated. also its my first ticket and im only 17, will anything happen to me? im also on probation, will a ticket affect that too? thanks…nick

Just go to court instead of mailing it in. Pretty standard procedure, you don’t have to have an argument ready. They’ll probably reduce it to a non-moving violation, you pay a fine, and walk away. No insurance hike or anything.

Dont fight it.Take the punishment,then give him negative karma.

If you’re on probation, you will lose your license for 3 or 6 months. Unless they changed it in the 8 years since I got my license, so you better fight it. Just talk to the DA and see if he’ll reduce it for you. You might have to go to driving class, they hand it out for random moving violations/non moving pleas. I had class for running a yellow/red light.

you mean if it stays a speeding ticket ill lose my license? thats gay i get off probation the 28th… hey if i reschedule my court date to after the 28th so that im off probation when i go, would i still lose my license if it didnt get dropped?

mail it in, plead not guilty… go to court, wait in line… talk to DA, he’ll tell you what its goin to be reduced to. my guess is 1 parking ticket plus school. then you go see the judge, he’ll say do you plead guilty to 1 parking ticket plus school, you say yes… go to school… life goes on and you get more tickets, because i’m sure you wont learn your lesson at a young age

yup, basically you have to drive around like a Saint when you’re license is on probation. And I believe that it doesn’t matter when the court date is scheduled, you did get the ticket when you were in the probationary period, so that is what they will look at. Best bet is to plead not guilty and take your chances with the DA, they’ll probably cut you a break since you’re so close. You’ll most likely end up with a non moving and a trip to school. Like ^ said.

Wow, 22 over in a 30 on your first 6 months with a license? Kinda glad they caught ya…

you might be lucky if they over look the fact that you were speeding while on probation. It’s possible, but don’t bank on it.

I just had court last night for 70 in a 55. I went to court and talked to the Town Prosecuter. I got a $100 fine and school but no points. Thats the important part. I have been driving for over ten years and I don’t have any points on my license. Good luck! I think you’ll make out ok. The fine hurts but not as much as losing your license for 6 months!!

Which cop caught you? And where?

it was officer pasiak and he was sittin in the construction site on zimmerman between erir and robinson and when i said probation i meant actual probation where i have to see a probation officer not probationary license

hold up guys i got a 80 in a 45, is my liscence going out the window or what? its my first ticket

ALWAYS FIGHT YOUR TICKETS, the DA is ur best friend, ive gotten six tickets total and never gotten a full charge on any of em, i always mail em in not guilty, get the court date and the DA always knocks it down when i go to court. Usually hit u with a parking ticket or sumn

hey it depends on what you were on probation for. If it was driving related it won’t be good. You might want to ask for a hearing in regards to the ticket. You dont need a lawyer for it just state the facts. If you probation is driving related hire a lawyer. It will be money well spent. Remember Lawyers are negotiable. Don’t pay the first total asked for. Good Luck.

My friend got 57 in 35 on french road. He was in his first 6 months and they wouldn’t reduce it. It was some pts, skool, and a hefty fine. GL.

what do you mean dont pay first total asked for

yea they just knocked it down to a parking ticket which totaled 100 bux

I got 3 this summer, not a single point on my license. Basically just go in to court, tell the clerk you plead not guilty, go sit down and wait. You then meet with the DA and he will usually offer you a plea bargain, ie: a parking ticket and driving school, or just a parking ticket… Sit down. Wait to be called to the bench and meet with the Judge. He will tell you how much $ you owe. Pay. Leave with a smile.

3 speeding tickets this summer? maybe you should slow down a bit or get a good radar detector