Sport Compact Challenge - September 19th, 2004

Damn… I might’ve had a crack at it had I not broke down a half-hour before eliminations started… D’oh! (shoulda, coulda, woulda… ) :lol:

So far the verdict is that I may have snapped the inner axle that runs inside the diff. But this is just based on exterior observation under the car. I haven’t taken anything apart yet.

It may not cost much to replace but my biggest problem right now is time. I used up all my vacation time (and sick time) already, mostly because of the wedding & honeymoon. Friends are busy. I’m busy. I don’t know when I’m going to have time to fix this.

I want to do as much of this myself to save on labor but part of me is thinking "fuck it, get the flatbed back to my house and haul the car down to Ericksen!!.. " but I’m not ready to throw the towel in yet. But I don’t want to leave this problem over winter. The car’s not ready for my annual winter storage ritual: the car is filthy, the gas tank is almost empty, the oil is in need of changing, and the wrong tires are on the car for storage… so I can’t just throw the car cover on and forget about her 'til spring. :evil:[/quote]

That sucks to hear man. Just last week there was someone selling a Z32 LSD on 780tuners for a damn good price. Might be worth checking out?

Thanks for the heads up. I’m following that lead now…

Haha. Yes. That race was the most fun i have ever had, let alone the closest race ever. I loved the whole show. It would have been well worth the drive up from lethbridge just for that race and to see all the nice cars that you guys had out there. Seeing all your necc cars in person is a whole diffrent expearance. I loved them all. Props to all you!

Please edit your post to fix your qoute. It wasn’t me that raced the silvia convertible, I think it was Aaron, and hence those were not my words. :wink:

My bad, I was trying to fix it for him, and for some reason thought that it was you that wrote that. Oops.

Mad props to all you Nissan boys… I’m glad to see my old ride being put to such great use :smiley:

The V8less Sport Compact Challenge Tour - Edmonton combines quarter-mile drag racing, sport compact show, and audio competitions.

The 2004 V8less SCC Tour is a four event national series. Competitors can earn payouts at each event during the season as well as points towards the Tour’s championship payout.

Competitors have a chance to win a set of tires from The Tire Warehouse at this event!

Date: September 19, 2004
Venue: Budweiser Motorsports Park (
Show Hours: 10am – 6pm
Competitor Roll-in and Tech: 9am - 12pm

General Admission - $12
Ages 4-10 - $6
3 and Under - FREE

Drag Racing - $40, includes admission for driver
Showoff - $25, includes admission for driver
Soundoff/dB Drags - $20, includes admission for driver


Drag Racing and Soundoff competitors can also compete in the Showoff at no additional cost. If your vehicle is entered in the Showoff, it is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle has not missed judging while it was competiting in the Drag Racing and/or Soundoff events. In other words, it is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle has been judged. If you need additional information about judging speak to a V8less representative beforehand. They will be happy to help you out.

Just thought I would remind all of you about this event. The first date was a rainout so I hope we can plan something for this one. We should maybe have a booth set up if some of you want to show off your cars. Is anyone going to be racing? Just wondering who would be thinking of going down and checking out the scene.



People who are interested:

-SRBURG13 (Showing and Racing)
-Inzane (Racing)
-Chromedragon (Racing)
-Dconz (Racing)
-silvia_s13 (Watching)
-Nis240 (Watching)
-Blackest 240
-DeathBy240(Showing for sure, might race)
-quickshifter (Show)

I will be there.

I’ll be racing and showing.

We should fire together a nice little team.

Anyone interested in joining me on one?

I will see how things are … but I prolly will be there

I’d love to go but my car is a hurting unit right now, currently doing some “minor” alterations :wink: :twisted: .

I’m definately up for this. Racing for sure. Not sure about the show part… kinda sucks trying to be two places at once.

Count me in for a team entry.

I do believe I’ll be racing, so hopefully I’ll have the intercooler installed by then and will be able to shoot for some mid to low 13s…who knows, maybe even something in the 12s? :shock:

I’m in for the races for sure!

ill show up if im free for the day for sure

I am definatley in for this one since the last one was rained out. ( show )

I might be there to race my winter beater if I end up buying it. I cant take my 240 unless I slap on a new door or two. If neither of those options pan out I will be there to watch.

Shaved door handles suck but look good.

silvia_s13 Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:40 pm Post subject:

DeathBy240 wrote:
I cant take my 240 unless I slap on a new door or two. If neither of those options pan out I will be there to watch.

Shaved door handles suck but look good.

are u guys sure u cant run with shaved door handles? cause my buddie ran his del sol there with shaved handles :?: