Sport Compact Challenge - September 19th, 2004

Me, Me, Me… !!! :smiley:

Although my car isn’t the greatest looking I will be there.I won’t be showing or racing though.

Ill be watching.

I’ll also be there watching? Do we still roll at 9 or do we go when the gates open?

Does anyone know if there is a car wash around that area?I have a long drive and I’m sure the car won’t be clean by the time I get there

Hell, our cars won’t be clean from the time we leave the highway (19) to the time we park in the pit area… goddammmmm gravel access road!!! :evil:

Unless you’re showing, I wouldn’t waste TOOOO much time making your car look pretty. :cry:

Anyway, there may be a car wash in Nisku somewhere. There’s a couple gas stations on the east side of the highway opposite the turnoff to bud park that might be worth checking out.

Are we rolling in as a group still??? Where is the god dammed events planner???

I think that’s the plan for us.

You bet.

Hopefully I’ll see a few of you guys there at 9am, bright and early. Shit, I know I"ll be tired.

So, did everyone have a good time?

It was pretty good, besides the weather being hella cold. I think the coldness was good for the motors, but terrible for the traction. I know I had some seriously violent wheel hop.

All in all, it was pretty good.

Congrats to all of the Nissan guys that raced. We all made it to the quick 24.

Inzane, DconZ, SRBURG13, DoubleDown, ChromeDragon, and jdms13rhd. I think the skyline and the blue silvia made it in there too, but I"m not sure.

Unfortunately Inzane blew a diff or something like that, DconZ had some clutch slippage (too much power ;)), and I had traction issues.

But a big congrats to ChromeDragon and DoubleDown.

Chromey for winning the C class with a time of 13.9 (correct me if I’m wrong)
And DoubleDown for now taking on the fastest S13 on here, with a time of 13.6 (now it’s on Mike) :wink:

Good times guys.


Had a good time, a lil’ Nipply which I am sure kept the bigger crowds away.

We did have a great Nissan car count in the top 24 way to go boys! Didn’t the SC’d 350z win as well?

I still smell clutch…

Yeah I had a lot of fun out there. The STi was the only close run I had for the day (I ran a 13.6, he ran a 13.5). The others were either older NA Honda’s, or those monster turbo Civic’s from Midtown that ran 12’s, haha. It’s kind of humbling watching the tail end of a rusty '86 CRX pull away from you when you’ve got the pedal to the floor :oops:

HUGE thanks to Neil, Corey, et al, of Speedworks coming out and helping out. I think they’ve got some digital footage of the event too.

Aaron still pulled off 13’s with no traction… I won’t hold that title for long :wink:

  • Mike

Sorry I wasn’t there guys. I was going to go down with a friend but I never got a hold of him… :evil:

Lots of fun despite the, how do I put it, “lack” of organization. I think that Mark’s volunteers might be getting a little bored of working long hours for free so he can buy a Porsche…or so a little birdy told me.

The car didn’t run quite as fast as it had before, I kept having massive traction problems all day. In the end though I managed to just hardly beat that red Silvia convertible from Lethbridge in one of the most exciting races I’ve ever been in. His front bumper was literally at my door for the last half of the track, but I managed to just hold on for the win. He actually ran a slightly better time, but I beat him on the tree. :smiley:

I’m not sure if the Silvia owner is on these boards, but I’d just like to say again that it was a great race, thanks a bunch. If you come up next year I’m going to have to buy you a beer.

So far the verdict is that I may have snapped the inner axle that runs inside the diff. But this is just based on exterior observation under the car. I haven’t taken anything apart yet.

It may not cost much to replace but my biggest problem right now is time. I used up all my vacation time (and sick time) already, mostly because of the wedding & honeymoon. Friends are busy. I’m busy. I don’t know when I’m going to have time to fix this.

I want to do as much of this myself to save on labor but part of me is thinking "fuck it, get the flatbed back to my house and haul the car down to Ericksen!!.. " but I’m not ready to throw the towel in yet. But I don’t want to leave this problem over winter. The car’s not ready for my annual winter storage ritual: the car is filthy, the gas tank is almost empty, the oil is in need of changing, and the wrong tires are on the car for storage… so I can’t just throw the car cover on and forget about her 'til spring. :evil:

Win what? One of the classes? Last I heard he had ran a 13.1 @ 109 I think, before I left.

I was thinking B class but thinking again he ran 13.2’s in qualifying so he would have been a class. A 13.1 in the finals wouldn’t have won him the title since the Hondas were running high 12’s.

I dunno the elims got all screwy and disorganized like several people have commented on hard to tell until the winners are posted. All I know is ChromeDragon won the C class for sure because I watched that final.

That sucks about the diff man. I think its gotta be pulled and looked at before you’ll know the extent of the damage. Any leaks showing up? (as in cracked housing)

the sc’d 350z did win his class whatever it was.If I remember correctly he raced one of the midtown guys but they redlighted.

He won A class, because all of the other cars he was supposed to race either screwed up the launch (Midtown Civic), red lighted, or broke (Black talon). Because of all of that, he won.

That’s alright, a win is good, no matter how it comes. That’s one benefit I’m glad about track racing, a fair start.