Sport compact shootout @ prp

you are wrong! drag racing anything can happin!

also if you get bumped go run bracket. the payouts are the same for brackets

right so the only way to go is bracket racing. is that part of the sport compact shootout?

here is how it works, the cars wil get devided into 3 groups 4NA 4PA and 6 you get 2-3 runs of qualifying then the “quick 16” get bumped to brakets then the first round losers and the rest race bracket.

I think they should have a “v8 street class” too but o0well



Last one that I ran I was in quick 16 (not the slowest either) with a qualifying of 12.7

There weren’t alot of slick cars so that could change, but I think I got 3 qualifying, lost first round, and ran 3 or 4 bracket passes. So I got my money’s worth.

Not really… I won payout 2 years ago w/ just my stock turbos on my car.

I wonder how many RX-7’s they are going to put in power 4… fucking idiots.

well, when i can get my tuning straigtened out ill try it.

Will they check under the hood? :bigok:

They do need a V8 compact class. :eek4:

hopefully tuned this week and i will be there

Hey SteelCityEvo8 I’ll be there representin the EVO’s. Take good pictures at the graduation :bigok:

Bottle install is about 1/2 done and we need a set of plugs, about 6 spare axles per side and a timing adjustment. If all goes well I might be able to make this event with spray…and hopefully not blow up the GSR #1 I have.

hopefully getting the first few passes in on the s13!

Hehehehe…I’m in line too for a tune at Hybrid. I won’t be taking my car out till next week though :frowning:

P.S. Can I cut in line? :hsugh:

i want to go so damn bad, but i work from 1-9 and that sucks my bum

ill be there with the stickers and taking pictures of course. And the video camera.

*Note if you want your run tapped etc etc. Talk to me there or tell me what car you drive color etc.

I think i am going to head out

Starboy, I’ll be there w/ camera in hand again. (I’ll post pics this time.) haha.

you better take some pics of the dellydel, it has risen from the dead once again, i am not sure how many lives it has left. denis told me today that if i dont take the car he was driving it. somebody has to be there holden it down for hybrid honda crew besides eric

yeah ill be there just look for elvis…

if you are holdin it down you better have slicks to beat me…and what am I chopped liver? Who was the only one in MD with Hybrid stickers?

I can’t wait. I am so curious to see what the quick 16 field is going to look like! I heard the Decimator is going to be making an appearance too. Can we get a confirmation on that?