Spraying your car, yea or nay

yah thats what I was gonna say…it was only a 150 shot, not a 300 lol

the car was bone stock otherwise for intake and exhaust…even had the stock open differential and shitting auto 3.09 gears. The car was in a ton of magazines and shit/

yah it comes down to the setup…

if you have all the safety hardware like a window switch, fuel pressure sensor and all the other goodies, you will never have a problem…

its the people that blow shit up that go and buy a 300$ kit, with no safety stuff at all, slap it on and spray it.

not a fan of N02 myself since it’s not that popular on my platform, but I have nothing against it.

i think kids pick nitrous because of how relatively easy it is to use to boost power. most of them dont realize theres things you have to consider when using it, thats when we get those videos on youtube of peoples motors grenading and pistons shooting thru the side of the block, which is hilarious.

the fastest cars in the world are Nitrous injected…look at the fuel dragsters and shit.

Actually, you can run nitrous without getting “tuned” for it. That’s why they sell wet kits…You can run a wet kit with the proper nitrous/fuel jets and be completely fine. I ran a 50 shot on my stock ECU and went an entire year, went through atleast 10-15 bottles then I got K-Pro & direct port.

Fuel pressure sensor? I don’t know anyone that has that…Nitrous kits don’t come with any “safety” stuff other than instructions and the proper jets to run for fuel/nitrous.

I have seen a few SC400 people use it. They say its great for the toyota tranny since the car doesnt shift into over drive till 105mph on the highway. But what i don’t get is arent most races won or lost by then.

I considered like a safe little 50 shot on my car, but the legalities scared me away

What legalities? You can have nitrous in your car, cops may try to be all know-it-all and try to give you trouble but as long as the bottle has 0PSI reading(not heated up/opened) or if it’s not opened at all it’s legal.

maybe for your cars but for the LSx motors we have fuel pressure sensors for the nitrous that if the fuel pump fails or theirs a drop in fuel pressure it wont engage the nitrous and shit

i heard that you can have the lines and stuff hooked up, but as long as the bottle isnt hooked up, youre okay, but i cant verify or disprove.

basically what I just said, 0PSI bottle pressure and/or bottle closed.

I got pulled over when I had nitrous in my V6…officer saw the bottle and automatically made me set out of my car…asked me a bunch of questions and shit and told me its highly illegal and bla bla…2 young cops…they ended up asking me to pop my hatch and wanted to check out my stereo…he asked me if it was loud and stuff…he tried to be my friend basically and told me just to not get hurt

what do they do to test if theres nitrous if theres a bottle laying there? do they have a gauge or they look at yours or hows that go? have u been pulled over and the cop saw that u have nitrous?

here joey, this is what im talking about as far as fuel pressure safety switches goes


basically, its like a “hobbs switch”

You are not suppose to have a bottle int he vehicle while its on the road. Regardless if it is filled or empty.

You can put a 50 shot in anything and not tune it and be okay, im talking about big boys, the nitrous a fuel mixture have to be correct…

Shit we ran a 50 shot in a friends SE-R with over 200kmi on the clock, we beat the living piss out of it and neve rhad a problem, the car still runs/drives fine…

Its when you start running a bigger shot that Direct Port and a tune is a must for saftey of the motor…

I probably wont run a direct port, just a wet shot…

Dry shot worries me to much


nos,nx,zex…i’ll call it what i want when i want. i’m a ricer yoooooooo!

“It’s not “nos”, it’s nitrous. NOS is a brand which is called Nitrous Oxide Systems.”

everyone knows what n.o.s stands for but thanks for clearing that up.from now on i’ll spell everything out =) maybe you have better luck calling someone else out.

I understand how things are “portrayed” in movies

My point is, I have more respect for someone who makes 500hp without spray than those who are making 300hp plus a 200hp shot

it’s a lot easier to buy a nitrous kit then to research and build an engine for the same hp

i think THIS is why ppl dont like nitrous