Spraying your car, yea or nay

cost more money too

Anyone who thinks like you in my opinion is very ignorant. Like i’ve said, most people who dont respect nitrous are people that have no driven in a car with it or ridden in someones who has it…

Nitrous Oxide is the cheapest and easiest way to make more power. Most people do not understand how N2O works or what modifications are required to support nitrous oxide in their vehicle. Those that do not understand nitrous will most likely ruin their car’s engine. When installed and tuned properly, it is by far the best horsepower to dollar ratio you will ever invest in your car.

i have respect for anyone who want’s more power out of their motor…but i would rather just do it without spray. and no i have never taken a ride in a car being sprayed but i have taken a ride in mike’s (synapse)500hp non sprayed red civic coupe before he sold it and i loved every second of it.

well i personally love the idea of not having to spray to win… i rather have the power in my motor all the time…BUT thats just me. i could have easily sprayed a 100 on my ported cobra and had 600=hp and 700=ftlb but i would have wanted that power all the time with turbos or a blower. Plus the cost of those tanks gets expensive after a while.

Actually the fastest cars in the world are generally powered by Jet Turbines.

The ‘quickest’ cars in the world, Top Fuel cars do not use Nitrous, they use really big superchargers, crazy high compression, and a metric butt ton of this stuff:

You’re right, I never have driven a car or rode in one that has spray…but calling someone ignorant for having an opinion is ignorant

I also understand the mods needed to properly run nitrous, my point is unless you are a pro drag racer, there really is no need to run spray…and even like benny said, the real pro’s don’t even use nitrous

running high hp numbers without spray means you have that hp all of the time, and to say its more cost effective is bullshit, lets run the same hp numbers over the course of a few years and the amount you would spend on nitrous will even out to the initial amount paid for building the engine

Whoa whoa whoa, pro’s definitely still use Nitrous. Just not the QUICKEST or FASTEST.

There are actually whole classes dedicated to Nitrous use.

ive often thought of a small 100shot for fun.

and its ALOT cheaper to strap a nitrous kit on to a motor then to build it.

your seeing down a one way street…if you have never used nitrous, or been in a car with nitrous what you say is only a opinion and not from experience…I think everyone that has commented about nitrous, has had a experience with it, and its all positive…your the only negative one and put that together…you have never had a experience with it

Its cheap, easy and very affective…and can also be reliable if set up properly. Yes theirs are pro’s and con’s to it…but its by far the best and most effective bang for the buck

thats the bottom line. Their will always be nitrous haters, F/I haters…N/A haters…its just the facts and all of it is opinions…but when the opinion actually matters is when you have had experience with either or…and in your case, you havent.

The whole “200hp shot” that they advertise is a bunch of shit…it’s a number that they use for advertisement. I had a 75 shot on my 190whp car and on spray I made 280whp.

When you do a nitrous set-up correctly, you will build the motor up to specs for nitrous, that will uphold under nitrous, so I’d say the same amount of “research” to build a motor for nitrous is there.

Anyone else notice these “drifters” are the only ones so against nitrous?

I didn’t see anyone in this thread against Nitrous in general, just not for their application.

My car came with spray, I yanked it out…not my bag.

Shoulda kept it, maybe you could’ve kept up then :shifty

did u try using it when it was in there, Ben?

nitrous is like crack! once you hit it, you just want more

no, never filled the bottle

this is why.

I didn’t want to like it and pull a travis.

(Don’t have the money to replace a motor that still costs $3k+ used)

damn DTM cars, heh-heh

My motor cost 4k used :rolleyes:

02-06 compared to a mid 90’s…I’d say his is worth a little more

$3k - mid 90’s motor > $4k - present/modern motor


I was joking…

i paid less than half that for my entire swap :smiley: