Spraying your car, yea or nay

nothing beats my deal :blbl: AND it’s newer! he he

Anyone else notice these “drifters” are the only ones so against nitrous?

dude your retarded. we are not against it we just don’t need it to drift. it’s only you “street racers” that need it. you wanna call out all the “auto-x” guys now too?

not for me

Nitrous is great for auto-x

i paid $1600 for my SR and it had AN HKS 3 puck clutch and toda flywheel.

lolol, idk depends if you’re going to keep these horrible comebacks coming & keep saying I’m “calling” people out LOL

hell yea i love a good old 75 shot when i auto-x!

no comebacks i left school along time ago kid.

learn how to use the quote function newjack

your trying to call us “drifters” out because we don’t use nitrous. you right i wanna spray my 240 while drifting thats safe. i’m the idiot.

wrong, No where did I call anyone out because they don’t use nitrous. Try again Wally.


above you stated we are the only ones against nitrous.

congratulations wallybeaver. you learnededed how to quote.

now quit trying to cause problems. if you dont like nitrous good for you. no need to continue whining about it. it was stated that the group of “drifters” in here were saying nitrous sucks. thats all.

Lol nobody said nitrous sucks, just said it wasn’t for them, Wallace is just defending himself against ethnic profiling (auto ethnicity)


hes just being a n00b internet warrior trying to make a name for himself, hoping to fit in with the other 240 guise

Will someone please call me out already? JEEzus.

You need to stop buying ridiculously priced parts for your show car.

thanks beeny and mk4 30r i’m not causing shit. just pointing out that i didn’t say i wasn’t for nitrous just that i didn’t need it for drifting. i’ve been into 240’s since 03 and yes i’m new to the shift forum. no need to make a name for myself. i already did that when car ramrod, w. tungsten and myself got everyone a legal drift spot this season at LVD.

the end is near.