Spraying your car, yea or nay

iirc same way any FI application does

Nitrous makes HUGE torque peaks. As ive seen on alot of cars, a “100” pill will make 1XXwhp and around 150wtq.

OOO so on an already torquey V* it might be tire melting overkill. Although it might help when the motor gets asthmatic around 6000rpms. Hmmm this could help tune the car to rev to 8000pms and have a reason to do so i am thinking


Well the way Im thinking is that a turbo/supercharger is always on and always there. Nitrous is usually only used occasionally, either when racing, on the dyno, etc. Turbo/blower is on all the time while driving. Maybe not full boost but its still there.

Nitrous is often a sneaky install so theres that aspect in which its technically cheating.

Ive seen nitrous blow up plenty of parts/motors so theres still breakage.

turbos can be a sneaky install too…

have you nto seen turbo travis car… unless you realize whats going on with the intake pipeing you cant even see the turbos

Like a STS turbo kit??

ALL APS turbo kits are like that.

STS kits arent sneaky at all. Most the cars you can see the turbo’s if your fare enough behind them, and ontop of that…they whistle like a freight train.

Sorry im not familar with domestic turbo kits

Hi my name is ewok and im a spray-a-holic.

ive have very good luck with spray. tuning is a major problem people have and what makes people experience end sooner then others. pulling timing and colder plugs have made a huge difference and can save alot of parts from puking out the bottom of your car. i prob spent well over 900 dollars in bottle fills over the previous summer. hoping this year will be alittle more interesting with all the internals upgraded in the turtle this year.



o, wait.

Nitrous increases torque significantly…my civic went from 152wtq to ~260wtq on the 75 shot…I’d say that’s a pretty good gain.

LOL. its funny how all the import RWD drivers immediately thought rattle can when seeing this thread

Well I’m on the fence. My car has ran in the 13s on a stock motor and I like to say that it was all motor. Fast for a 2 ton car. On the other hand, I have had a nitrous setup sitting in my room collecting dust for about 2 years now.

ok fine, you are not allowed to have an opinion on anything in life that you have never experienced first hand. Don’t like anal rape? Well unless you have experienced it you can’t say whether or not you like it.

let’s not all get our panties in a bunch, I was stating an opinion.

I don’t use spray…why…because I don’t need it. If I were in a situation where it would benefit me significantly, then maybe. My point is, it seems like a cop out for too many people in order to gain hp. I personally (ok this is opinion here) would rather build an engine without spray and have big hp numbers, spray would be one of the last things I added if ever.

And yes K20, all of us “drifters” don’t need spray like you “racers”

Well there are more people who race their cars on here so that was a broad statement of you to say…

We can end this right here so you hustlin’ drifters can calm down

To me, putting the money into a SC or Turbo would make more sense in regards to longevity and in the long run affordability. I am not against nitrous but I would rather put my money elsewhere.

True, it only works (being sneaky) a few times before people hear the turbo though.

A lot of pro drift cars use nitrous to keep the turboz goin