SR overheating and sputtering

Hello there

Recently I noticed that my SR, on occasion sputters (jerks violently) @ 2500rpm as well as my temp gauge reading pretty hot. It never lasts but you can definitely feel it in the acceleration when it’s going to sputter - and before you know it, the temp gauge drops in temp and everything’s fine again.

Recently, I’ve had a slave cylinder replaced, and initially when I bought the car there was an overheating issue (with the fan, and a rotted hose) that was addressed.

There is one thing I noticed that one of my hot pipes (intake) is resting on my rad hose and melting the surface a little. it hasn’t melted right through or anything like that, but I notice it’s runny and gooey only at the contact point…still I don’t think it’s melted/damaged enough to cause this problem…

…any ideas? anybody know where I can get a proper affordable tune?

if its runny there its leaking a bit u may have air in the system and it gets really hot and runs likem crap when the sensor is getting a air temp rather the water temp

whats your normal operating temp at? mine runs at around 186F

Thanks…sounds like it could be a MAF problem then? Or what? How can I fix it?

Right about where u see the green circle. (Note: this is not my cluster though. I have a 1997 180SX cluster @ 9k RPM)

i would try by just checking to make sure ur full of coolant make sure there are no bubbles in the system then go from there

yup it’s topped off

hmm…hope it’s not leaning out or anything…

No it’s not leaking or anything.

I think it does have air in the system…seems to make sense as it doesn’t always happen, and when it does it never lasts for long

Still unsure how to fix it

take the cap off and wait for the cars thermostat to open add some fluids and see if it fixes it.

and he means leaning out, like when you have too much air and not enough fuel… is your sr stock?

I had already thought of doing that, but the coolant is topped off. like completely full

Alright I understand what you mean now. Yep, my SR is stock