
LMAO… huge difference. Do love how people talk and spin shit around though. ha

no one who had thier motors tuned by fast were jumping out calling the him a bad tuner but its very odd that 2 out of the 3 local ones have gone thru a motor in such short peiords of time, (2 n/a motors)

its just a good idea to mayb have someone over look his, but the fast guy may be better at a spray tuner over a n/a tuner, its not like these were planned to happen, it does. no1s the best tuner, thiers no such thing cause atleast 1 out of every car a tuner has tuned, if they are “good” or not thet all have had motors gernade from some sort if issue

I still stick to mine was not tune related. Like I said I knew it was going to happen eventually from research before buying the truck.

o i def hear ya but they all dont do that lol if they did gm would be worse off then they already are lmao

LMAO … I wish I hadn’t seen numbers and could agree… but, you would be surprised how many truly do go. Same with our trans and the only way they cover it is if you have warranty and even then is a maybe. GM does not like admitting or fixing either of these issues. In many cases it becomes a battle people do not want to deal with and like me go elsewhere and just upgrade while they are fixing it.

A huge percent of these trucks have both of these go before they hit 100k. and many well before 50k stock or modified. it’s a shame but it’s the flaws we deal with by owning this truck and go into buying them eyes wide open.

How is a spun bearing not a blown motor… Thing is smoked…

not at all. it’s easy to fix, just need to pull the motor out. if you consider that blown your an idiot.

IDK I also considered that blown, blown doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.

Uh huh, until you see damage to the crank and/or rods. It definitely happens, but I hope you lucked out.

The fact is, it’s a blown motor no mater which way you spin it. I am sure you know this already, but you should have did the oilpan swap if you were familiar with the issue…

I have to find the time to go over and help pull the motor I have been busy every week end and next week end happens to be my first free week end in awhile so I will most likely go over and help him start pulling it to see what happened. I cant attribute any thing to what happened other then he was at the 1000ft mark in 4th gear when it let go.

Already plan to have the crank polished… if more is needed already have plans in place. already have a list of upgrades and new parts to replace while in there this includes rods so no worries there. Like I said I am at 82k as long as I have it pulled out there are a number of things I plan to replace or upgrade.

I guess I just don’t view it as blown as i have been expecting it to happen. as for the oil pan swap I am aware of it and just had not done it yet…

Get your facts straight…

Andrew challenged me, said we were gonna do it this week, so I made this tread.

You talkin to me??? just wondering.

Jeeez. lol Welcome back sista.

Spinning a bearing usually takes out the crank, the rod its attached to, if its a main it takes out the block. Either way, it isnt running, so its “blow up”. And it more than likely will take the same ammount of parts, if done correctly to rebuild a motor the same way one would if they grenaded a piston or snapped a rod. All the shit above the block comes off, and all the shit bellow it comes off to do it right.

Blown up is blown up, $5 rod bearing or a $500 piston, doesnt really matter.

Most likely correct, spinning a bearing is a physical failure thing in my eyes… and if they had oiling problems from the get go, that failed as bad as you say they do 8K, 50K what ever… GM should have recalled the shit. And if you knew it was a problem, why not replace it PRIOR to doing anything to the car, $500 oil pump or what ever it is would be a 1 hr fix, not a 1 week turnaround on machine work for the cranks &/or block and alot more in parts.

Easy fix, glad to see your up to the challenge… I have a 1.8t passat sitting in my drive way now too you can give me a hand on, just broke a timing belt… no big deal, easy fix! GL even getting to the damn $80 belt, let alone replacing the head because of the bent valves, gl getting the head off too… Easy fix and repairing any motor issue POST 1970 just dont go hand and hand.

Good deal. TSP sells a 402 rotating assembly for <$2000 for what it’s worth…

Ohh NM i got it now. lol for get about me.

  • Buying TBSS with known engineering flaws: $17,000

  • Buying parts for a bottom end + machine shop costs: $2000+

  • Knowing it was going to pop becasue of a $100 oil pan AND NOT GETTING IT


get my facts straight, u mean like your sexuality? :hugsorry had to, it was presented to me on a silver platter saying “here, make fun of TT”.

You 2 need to just make out already…

Eh. Seems fishy to me.

never again

wait, wat?