Witnessed bike accident today.. attn Shrives.


oh ok, gotcha.
but again, I dont think that 50mph is too fast for around that turn on a sportbike, shit i go around that at 60-65mph in my car, and im not gonna say what i take that turn at on my bike but lets just say its “more than 65mph” :wink:

p.s.- glad to hear the guy is alright :tup:


okay, well we werre driving on the 90 still and lets put it this way, the guy on the honda infront got off the exit about 50 ft infront of us, we were doing 60 mph and by the time we got to the underpass of the 400 he was over it.

50mph was a rough guess, but the more I think about it he was going way faster.
I bet he didn’t have the skill of the first rider and came into the turn way to hot and either hit gravel or locked up the rear.
It would be nice to hear who it was, i watched the news but nothing was on.