Witnessed bike accident today.. attn Shrives.

ot: well the other day someone cut my brother of on his buell on the 33, right by Ridge rd. he was going about sixty and the guy cut him off, then the other driver left the seen. my brother is ok just a few raspberries the bike is not bad eather. the reason he he went down was he grabed the brake from what i heard.


ot: well the other day someone cut my brother of on his buell on the 33, right by Ridge rd. he was going about sixty and the guy cut him off, then the other driver left the seen. my brother is ok just a few raspberries the bike is not bad eather. the reason he he went down was he grabed the brake from what i heard.


ehh don’t you only have a sister? sexorz change???

back on topic…so what’s the difference if people are riding “enthusiastically” on a bike compared to driving in a car? Both can be dangerous. Yes the guy may have pushed the limits slightly, however he was trying to enjoy the bike. No reason to say he deserved to drop by any means.

nope i got a brother and a sister there slappy. my brother went to cunishes (sp) high school so no she did not have a sex change

my gf is a volunteer, and she was one of the first on the scene, cops said he was ticketed 3 times for speeding in the past 2 months.

EDIT: the bikers name is Eric

my mom called me from work asking me if it was one of my friends. She also told me that a fellow worker had stopped to see what happened and he saw a huge cloud of smoke from the bike. He was walking towards the guy and notice a foot still in the shoe but detached from the body “worst thing he has ever seen” , but the guy was still talking. My moms co-worker was the one who had called it in and said he couldnt get any closer to the guy in pain.


nope i got a brother and a sister there slappy. my brother went to cunishes (sp) high school so no she did not have a sex change


maybe your parents should have forked out some more money to send you to canisius high school so you could learn to spell. :wink:

a guy got killed on davis road in east aurora on a bike on saturday. i saw pictures of the accident scene, it was not pretty.

I was out that way and seen the bike laying on a flat bed. :frowning:

my next door neighbor who we rent our duplex out to just got into a bike accident on saturday on chesnutridge road a 70 year old man turned out in front of him, and he layed the bike down on its side to avoid hitting him. Hes pretty fucked up and in ICU at ECMC. It seems like there is alot of accidents this season

EDIT: i found the article about it in the buffalo news

A motorcyclist who collided with a sport utility vehicle in Orchard Park was in good condition Sunday in Erie County Medical Center.

James Berlin, 41, was driving his 1984 Honda motorcycle south on Chestnut Ridge Road on Saturday afternoon when David Engels’ 1998 Chevy Blazer crossed into his path, police said.

Engels, 70, was driving westbound on Powers Road and crossing Chestnut Ridge when he hit Berlin at about 2:45 p.m., police said. Both drivers are Orchard Park residents.

Berlin was airlifted by Mercy Flight helicopter to ECMC.

Police said traffic charges may be pending.

#1 - 50 mph is not too much for that “turn”. Im not even gonna post the speeds ive gone around that exit ramp at.
#2 - Everyday im on that ramp/exit and the number of fukkin idiots that are in the EXIT only right lane that at the last possible second realize that they are exiting the 90 and decided to blindly get over to stay on the 90 is unbelieveable.
#3 - Sometimes guys on bike may be “weaving” in and out of traffic to get themselves into a “safety zone” and away from piss poor drivers.


Jesus Christ, thats why I dont want a bike.


If you aren’t a retard like this kid then you only have to worry about other people.

yea they shouldn’t be stupid like that, but hey they had it coming… still dont deserve to get hurt bad though…

I’m sure they’ll learn now though


#1 - 50 mph is not too much for that “turn”. Im not even gonna post the speeds ive gone around that exit ramp at.
#2 - Everyday im on that ramp/exit and the number of fukkin idiots that are in the EXIT only right lane that at the last possible second realize that they are exiting the 90 and decided to blindly get over to stay on the 90 is unbelieveable.
#3 - Sometimes guys on bike may be “weaving” in and out of traffic to get themselves into a “safety zone” and away from piss poor drivers.


HE didn’t crash on the right hander getting on the on ramp…but the left hander after he was well on the ramp.

also, i saw the accident on saturday with the blazer and motorcyle on chestnut ridge rd…the guy in the blazer didn’t look too much better as the blazer was on its roof


HE didn’t crash on the right hander getting on the on ramp…but the left hander after he was well on the ramp.

also, i saw the accident on saturday with the blazer and motorcyle on chestnut ridge rd…the guy in the blazer didn’t look too much better as the blazer was on its roof


yeh i guess he was ok though, the police were just at my neighbors house talking to his wife and i guess the guy is getting some traffic charges against him, but im not quite sure what they are gunna charge him with.


HE didn’t crash on the right hander getting on the on ramp…but the left hander after he was well on the ramp.


oh ok, gotcha.
but again, I dont think that 50mph is too fast for around that turn on a sportbike, shit i go around that at 60-65mph in my car, and im not gonna say what i take that turn at on my bike but lets just say its “more than 65mph” :wink:

p.s.- glad to hear the guy is alright :tup:


yeh i guess he was ok though, the police were just at my neighbors house talking to his wife and i guess the guy is getting some traffic charges against him, but im not quite sure what they are gunna charge him with.


Most likely he will get charged with

  1. Failure to yield right of way
  2. Unsafe or improper turn
    and there are a couple of others he could get but I can’t think of them right now…sucks to hear, but I hope EVERYONE is OK.


Most likely he will get charged with

  1. Failure to yield right of way
  2. Unsafe or improper turn
    and there are a couple of others he could get but I can’t think of them right now…sucks to hear, but I hope EVERYONE is OK.


yeh hes in good condition now but he shattered his arm and has to have a plate put in from his wrsit up to his shoulder, the ball joint in his hip broke straight through his bone, hes got some bleeding on his brain and broke one of his legs. I just talked to his wife next door and she said he awake and everything and they just took him off a ventilator so its looking good so far.


oh ok, gotcha.
but again, I dont think that 50mph is too fast for around that turn on a sportbike, shit i go around that at 60-65mph in my car, and im not gonna say what i take that turn at on my bike but lets just say its “more than 65mph” :wink:

p.s.- glad to hear the guy is alright :tup:


okay, well we werre driving on the 90 still and lets put it this way, the guy on the honda infront got off the exit about 50 ft infront of us, we were doing 60 mph and by the time we got to the underpass of the 400 he was over it.

50mph was a rough guess, but the more I think about it he was going way faster.
I bet he didn’t have the skill of the first rider and came into the turn way to hot and either hit gravel or locked up the rear.
It would be nice to hear who it was, i watched the news but nothing was on.


I bet he didn’t have the skill of the first rider and came into the turn way to hot .


thats what most likely happened :tup:


Thats an asshat comment

Nobody deserves to wipe out at 50mph just because he might have been riding dangerous.


What are you kidding me? So with that logic hypothetically if I go 120ish or so on a bike and I wipe the fuck out and die it’s not my fault? Last time I checked it wouldn’t be anyone’s fault but my own.

Just keep this in mind, most actions have reactions. So therefore riding like an idiot = crashing like one too.


He needs to be put in his place, not almost die


Unfortunately for a lot of kids that buy sport bikes these days that is how they learn or are put in their place. By getting injured themselves or seeing a friend get injured or die. It sucks but it seems to be a sad reality.

I don’t know what is worse…being the guy who went down, or the friend who was 1/2 mile ahead and realizing no one was behind him,

reminds me of an incident last year with me and my friend. We were on rt240 coming from springville and i happened to pull out a decent lead in our “spirted” ride and I come to the light in colden when I turn around and realize he wasn’t behind me.
A few aggonizing minutes go by and I start to get really worried.
Ends up I turn around and he’s on the side of the road, a bee hit him in his eye while he had his sheild up. so he pulled over.
but the things that went through my mind…