Witnessed bike accident today.. attn Shrives.


What are you kidding me? So with that logic hypothetically if I go 120ish or so on a bike and I wipe the fuck out and die it’s not my fault? Last time I checked it wouldn’t be anyone’s fault but my own.

Just keep this in mind, most actions have reactions. So therefore riding like an idiot = crashing like one too.

Unfortunately for a lot of kids that buy sport bikes these days that is how they learn or are put in their place. By getting injured themselves or seeing a friend get injured or die. It sucks but it seems to be a sad reality.


Did i stutter? No i am not kidding you. I hate it when people on here come out and say, they deserve it blah blah blah because they were riding like an asshat. Nobody deserves to go down and be airlifted to a hospital. Period.

I’ve said it before and ill say it again, 95% of rocket guys are fucking idiots. All the deaths and all the accidents DO NOT suprise me this summer at all, but in my mind whether they were 20yo wheelie junkies or 50yo cruisers, NOBODY fucking deserves to go down fataly. Thats all i was getting at. I mentioned nothing on whos at fault, just saying i wouldn’t wish it upon them.

I agree with your second half of the quote though, its really through other accidents that some people are put into check. Its unfortunate, but reality.

im just here to say i think a mod should edit the first post to read "SHRIVES IS OK, RE: POST # " because i almost shit my pants when i read the title and franticly scrolled down to find his avatar…

not cool.


im just here to say i think a mod should edit the first post to read "SHRIVES IS OK, RE: POST # " because i almost shit my pants when i read the title and franticly scrolled down to find his avatar…

not cool.



my phone blew up last night all within like 5 minutes

There was also an accident at the south end of 400 near Emery Road on rt 16.
6 different bikes were “playing games” and 2 of them crashed into each other.
Also, one of my employees was in Cleveland this weekend and he watched a guy flip over while trying to show off leaving a restaurant.

What is it with bikers being stupid lately?


Did i stutter? No i am not kidding you. I hate it when people on here come out and say, they deserve it blah blah blah because they were riding like an asshat. Nobody deserves to go down and be airlifted to a hospital. Period.

I’ve said it before and ill say it again, 95% of rocket guys are fucking idiots. All the deaths and all the accidents DO NOT suprise me this summer at all, but in my mind whether they were 20yo wheelie junkies or 50yo cruisers, NOBODY fucking deserves to go down fataly. Thats all i was getting at. I mentioned nothing on whos at fault, just saying i wouldn’t wish it upon them.

I agree with your second half of the quote though, its really through other accidents that some people are put into check. Its unfortunate, but reality.


if he wasnt being an asshole on his bike we wouldent be having this discussion now would we. he deserves what he got, act like a retard, crash…nuff said.

mabye next time he will drive a bit more safe.


ot: well the other day someone cut my brother of on his buell on the 33, right by Ridge rd. he was going about sixty and the guy cut him off, then the other driver left the seen. my brother is ok just a few raspberries the bike is not bad eather. the reason he he went down was he grabed the brake from what i heard.


Who the fuck is this guy…he’s amazing. :newman:
I’ve never read such a jumbled and incomplete though.

:tup: to you sir.


im just here to say i think a mod should edit the first post to read "SHRIVES IS OK, RE: POST # " because i almost shit my pants when i read the title and franticly scrolled down to find his avatar…

not cool.



And besides…shrives can only get into 1 accident a week… :stuck_out_tongue:

the accident was with my buddy derek. he was driven off the off ramp hit the bumps & stones & lost it. he’s in ecmc rite now his bottom part of his leg got ripped off @ the accident & they had to amputate it from above the knee cap down. yes he did have a brand new 07 green ninja . i just got outta the hospital from seeing him he’s doing ok no other injuries besides his legs. & he’s never had any tickets in the past on his bike i dont know where that lie came from.


the accident was with my buddy derek. he was driven off the off ramp hit the bumps & stones & lost it. he’s in ecmc rite now his bottom part of his leg got ripped off @ the accident & they had to amputate it from above the knee cap down. yes he did have a brand new 07 green ninja . i just got outta the hospital from seeing him he’s doing ok no other injuries besides his legs. & he’s never had any tickets in the past on his bike i dont know where that lie came from.


WOW! so it was you on the honda infront then?
the accident looked so scary I didn’t think he would live…he is one lucky SOB. even though he lost his leg…that crash did not look good at all.
And, he didn’t get driven off the road. he was all by himself, no other cars around(luckily)

na i have a red r6. they all called me to go out riding but i was tired from the nite b4 & didnt go. i got the phone call earliar this morn & left work to go c him. there was about 10 bikes with him but they split off to go home i guess he was driven back with someother kid i duno who i didnt ask. i didnt really wanna get into detail about everything with him since it is upseting to c ur friend in the hospital looking like that around his hole family and all the pain he’s going through rite now. i couldnt imagine it happening to me or any1. reality really hits when something happens like that to some1 you know. best wishes to him

good luck to him, shit happens, just wish it would never have to be bad like this

some asshat on a harley cut right in front of me with no directional on the turn from main to sheridan on sunday, causing me to slam on my brakes and go slideways mid turn in my car. i was fuming beyond belief…the last thing i want to do is hit someone on a bike but he was a moron…

some asshat on a harley cut right in front of me with no directional on the turn from main to sheridan on sunday, causing me to slam on my brakes and go slideways mid turn in my car. i was fuming beyond belief…the last thing i want to do is hit someone on a bike but he was a moron…
needless to say he continued to swerve in and out of the lanes with no turn signals after he saw me almost kill myself to avoid hitting him…

i’m glad to hear you’re ok shrives. i wish people paid more attention to bikes when driving, and people on bikes need to not drive like asshats.

a broad in a mini van almost took and a friend and i out last night on NF blvd. my life just flashed before my eyes, she didn’t even look. i love riding though…just have to be aware of morons.

this thread kinda went off topic.

no one ran the kid off the road.

The kid crashed by himself… weather it was due to riding over his head and coming in to hot or just hit some gravel on the turn.
either way. If you talk to your friend again, tell him that he is danm lucky to be alive and he had one hell of a crash.
Being a witness to an accident has to be almost as bad as being friends with the kid.
It really made me rethink wanting to get a bike, I do enough dangorous stuff, and this just goes to show how dangerous a bike can be.

wow, that really sucks. I’ve never heard of anyone losing a limb due to a motorcycle accident.

Best wishes to your friend, no one deserves that. I hope that he is dealing with it well and realizes that it could have been his life instead of his leg though.

and :tdown: to the people saying you deserve to go down if you riding like an asshat, don’t be ignorant. Does that mean all the people on here that have raced on the street in their cars deserves to fly off the road and total their cars? Didn’t think so…

Those $200-300 riding boots look pretty cheap now, don’t they?

ya that’s real nice taking jabs at a young guy sitting in a hospital bed missing a leg, its sickening. I met Derek a couple a nights ago with his gf and he was probably the nicest guy in the whole group, and in know way did he “deserve” to crash, f**k no one deserves this to happen to them. I pity the people that think he deserved that. I am just thankful that he is alive and I hope for the best wishes to him.


maybe your parents should have forked out some more money to send you to canisius high school so you could learn to spell. :wink:

a guy got killed on davis road in east aurora on a bike on saturday. i saw pictures of the accident scene, it was not pretty.


ot: sorry they spent a little more and sent me to this boarding school called gow. :ohnoes: i guess i should just throw this out there now I have add, not adhd i do not try and kill my coach if he benched me in any sport. I also have small motor problems, i think i menched this before but people thought of the chevy small block for some reason:biglol:? but really my brain is two, hundred sometimes, steps ahead of my hands. so if i misspell it is not me trying to be an ass.


and :tdown: to the people saying you deserve to go down if you riding like an asshat, don’t be ignorant. Does that mean all the people on here that have raced on the street in their cars deserves to fly off the road and total their cars? Didn’t think so…


If your doing something risky ( rediculous speeding, racing, whatever) and shit goes sour you don’t really have anyone to blame but yourself. I don’t understand how it’s such a hard concept to understand.

If your riding your bike lets say through a green light and someone runs the red and fucking nails you then that would be something I’d obviously consider someone completely not at fault for.