

" Taking over a program that had managed just 15 wins in the previous five seasons, Harris immediately energized the Panthers and led them to their first winning season in six years as well as their first postseason berth since 1989."

walt harris started with a nothing team. this is his 7th season and he’s going 5th bowl game. On the other hand bill cowher had all the players in place for a good run, but what happend when the chuck noll picked players were all gone, 98-00!!!

harris did pretty good but for an ex QB coach you’d have thought he’d teach that idiot rutherford to throw the ball away a few times instead of getting sacked. if the pocket holds up for 6 seconds and you got nothing… throw it away!!!

its makes you wonder what they put in that kids head thou. Its obvious rod isn’t a rocket scientist, but this year he seems reluctant to run or throw the ball away. Think back to the ND game last year. Rod ran and got nailed and fumbled the ball deep in ND territory. Rod tried to throw the ball away towards the end of the game and it got picked off. he also fumbled the ball in the WVU game last year on like the 10 yeardline. Pitt lost cause they couldn’t run nor stop it.

u said it all very well CUTTY!!!:smiley:

this thread has potential not to suck…

oh whoops its sucks now, since i posted in it.:smiley:


Originally posted by Cutty
this is what is worng with your view. who gives a fuck if they are picked to win. getting picked to win and doing it are two different things. Actually if they are getting picked to win, they aren’t living up to their expectations. the only thing similar about rod and kordell is they are both fast black guys that played QB in pittsburgh. kordell is a pro who gets paid, rod is a college football player. it don’t matter who was coaching saturday, pitt got man handled upfront. larry might have been open 5 times but rod may have already been on his back. Do you know anything about football. do you relize that larry may have been open but it was a result of something else pitt was tryin to do. he may look wide open but there are so many things that dictate that. what you see isn’t always really how it is on the field. Real football isn’t like tecmo bowl, you can’t keep going to the same player over and over. I actually think pitt game plan was ok, they were gettin the ball to kris wilson and other recievers. The play calls looked alot worse because pitt couldn’t block for the run. 9-4 and walt harris is terrible but 4-8 is ok for bill cowher. Where is the logic in that??:dunno:
Fuck u midget u dont know dick and yes I played football before and yes I also started on the team I played for so I do know what Im talking about. U might of been on a team but Im sure your little short ass never played. PITT sucks, the Pirates suck,and the penquins suck. The only team we got that is competetive is the steeler. Maybe the next time u go to a game take your fuckin booster seat with u midget so u can actually see whats happening in the game.

Originally posted by Cutty
its makes you wonder what they put in that kids head thou. Its obvious rod isn’t a rocket scientist, but this year he seems reluctant to run or throw the ball away. Think back to the ND game last year. Rod ran and got nailed and fumbled the ball deep in ND territory. Rod tried to throw the ball away towards the end of the game and it got picked off. he also fumbled the ball in the WVU game last year on like the 10 yeardline. Pitt lost cause they couldn’t run nor stop it.
shut up, u bitch and complain and make up all kinds stupid excuses worse then a women dose.

I beg to differ, i dont think any of the Pgh teams are any good this year. Including the steelers. i dont give a shit what any of you guys say, but i think that the team that will be on the move in the next few years is the pens.
#1 they have an entire team of 18, 19, 20 year old rookies, who not only have fresh legs and good edurance, they also have a low payroll, therefore they will most likely be kept together as a team for the next few years. Keeping teams together generates alot better play, and i think they will be not dominating, but somewhat of a threat in the next few years to come.

Originally posted by BlkP42E
I beg to differ, i dont think any of the Pgh teams are any good this year.
Pittsburgh is a bunch of chokers. They can get to the big games, but fall flat on their face. Since 1979, the only team to win the “big” games are the 91 and 92 Pens. So for the past 24 years, Pittsburgh has pretty much been a city of losers. :finger: The Steelers, Pens, Panthers, Riverhounds, WIld Things, and Pirates (if you consider the Pirates a real team)

the phantoms were decent :wink:

Originally posted by BlkP42E

#1 they have an entire team of 18, 19, 20 year old rookies,

kids that old cant play hockey!!!:smiley:

maulers weren’t too bad

speaking of the Riverhounds:
they just got a deal to play@ tiger stadium in Moon twp next year.


soccer sucks. Only people who really care are some Quaker Valley residents :rolleyes: yipppy fucking doo:eek3:

Originally posted by Pewterss
kids that old cant play hockey!!!:smiley:

im nowhere near the NHL, or juniors, but i whooped Roland’s ass :smiley:

Originally posted by BlkP42E
im nowhere near the NHL, or juniors, but i whooped Roland’s ass :smiley:

:rofl: :tounge:

where did you play @?

U mean play roland or play since i started?

Originally posted by BlkP42E
U mean play roland or play since i started?


At rostraver ice garden out here on 51