steering wheel shakes violently when breaking

Brakes 85% sure :lol

my check engine light is on, im pretty sure its because i need an oil change

I’m fairly sure he should check the kinifelin pins, muffler bearings and headlight fluid first.

replaced pads and rotors and the shaking is still there.

what vehicle is this on and did you clean the hubs?

front end bushings/balljoints/tie-rods, or pad deposits.

Replace errtin


did you check the tires for a broken belt??

He would feel that off the brakes

dude just fucking jack the car up use your man hands and shake each front wheel and see what the hell moving around and giving play

hella simpleton shit

if it’s not the brakes sounds like tie rods ball joints bushings or a buffalo stuck in your radiator fan

if god didn’t bless me with comon sense I wouldn’t thank him for SHIT especially for a garage and a lift that are useless to me if I can’t diagnose a problem like this

lol just busting your balls but holy shit seriously I can’t believe this taking you longer than a Miley Cyrus song to figure out

sounds like your steering wheel is broken
