^Agreed. I think too many people try to go from one extreme to another. Going from Pizza and beer every night to a bodybuilding (let’s just say) diet is a complete shock. Step one should be cutting back. Instead of a beer every night, just have one or two on the weekend. Cut out some of the fast food you might be eating and try to increase your physical activity. Work your way down from there.
Started from the bottom now we here! My favorite is when people go on fad diets without even trying to understand HOW the diet works. Also the extreme calorie reduction (starvation) diets crack me up. So you’re going to lose weight by extinguishing your fat burning furnace (metabolism)? LOL
But Dr. Oz said it’s the next best thing, he’s a doctor it has to be true right?!?!?!
That snake oil salesman should be buried beneath the prison IMO.
LOL. If people are dumb enough to watch & buy his bullshit it’s on them individually tho. Our elected leaders sell us far more snake oil, this is a much bigger concern over raspberry ketones and cellulite cream IMO.
Wanna know the secrete to feeling great, being healthy, and stop putting on the lbs?
Stop eating junk food and get off your ass.
“OMG” I’ve tried them all. Guess what its not working if you need to keep switching.
I think its funny how all of a sudden everyone I know is allergic to glutton. GTF out of here, sorry dumb ass but maybe you feel like shit because you just ate a Dimpus burger and drank a liter of cola. Drink some water and stop pigging out on shit food.
Yeah, the glutten free thing rustles my jimmies.
While I do agree there’s a lot more snake oil being sold elsewhere, the problem is a LOT Of people are dumb enough to believe his BS. If they weren’t he wouldn’t have a prime time show slot.
But I don’t want a large farva…
I actually try to avoid gluten a good amount of the time, but that’s just because it tends to make me feel sluggish and sleepy after meals when I eat it, but I’ll still have it occasionally (I plan to devour pizza on Saturday after the tough mudder). If someones claiming they’re allergic to it and they don’t have celiac disease, odds are they’re just jumping on what has become the latest fad.
I still disagree with this. If you are going to eat sugars, the ones in fruit have a lot more benefits than just pounding sugars with no value. Plus, fruits have fiber which slows down the sugar digestion and helps give it time to use up the energy before it decides to store it as fat.
Also glucose and fructose are absorbed differently and have different reactions on the body.
People who follow these diets typically have tricks. I found out about the salt thing from a friend to help cramps as that is a major cause of them when you cut out all the salt you should be eating. Other tricks and tweaks for people who have done things successfully is the key to these threads. People can post their info, you gotta weed out the good and bad as with anything you ask for advice on.
Also, programmers as assholes.
Fruit and veggies (other than greens) will knock you out of ketosis because of their glycemic impact. If you’re not looking to be in ketosis why bother discussing low carb? LMAO at the programmer comment. Seems their way is the only/best way…in their own minds.
Eat fruits and vegetables… Hit up the local farmer’s market for cheap and delicious stuff. I love wegmans, but the quality is better at the farmer’s market.
I feel like this is asking someone who wants to go casually to the gym why they aren’t taking creatine and setting new maxes every week.
“Oh you want to casually make healthier choices? Why bother unless you want to get shredded bro”
True to a certain extent, it’s just an unfortunate reality of how low carb diets work. A healthier diet/lifestyle is entirely possible without low carb, but if you want to do keto and get the best results you’ve gotta be strict, and you did ask about low carb in particular.
That being said, the diet you posted is a significant improvement over how your diet was so good on ya! If you want to kick the fat burning into high gear you can take the fruit out and increase the fat intake, but you should still see results on the plan you listed. It’s your call either way, we’re just contributing our knowledge on the subject
What type of info were you looking for? You created a thread asking about “low carb” diets, it’s not like a “fruit in moderation” thread was hijacked here. My point has been…if you are doing a “low carb” diet (typically meaning ketogenic) you cannot eat fruit & veggies (other than greens). At least not other than your targeted or cyclical carb-ups of course. Of course you can balance your macro nutrients any way you see fit, it’s not like I’m judging you for loving fruit baskets. The biggest key to feeling better is probably working out and staying active, which alone burns calories and releases endorphins.
I cut out dairy and lost 10% of my bodyweight this winter - I was already skinny.
I’m a little late on this convo, but if you want any advice please feel free to PM me, I’ve helped out a bunch of guys on here, free of charge, to lose weight and get ripped.
I don’t want to get ripped. I am not a gym guy. I am just looking to structure a diet plan that cuts out gluten based carbs M-Thur and looking to make sure I am filling the space with proper foods and not missing anything. The salt tip was very helpful.
I don’t think everyone in this thread is on the same page.
“Low Carb” is usually referred to as a very specific diet plan that cuts out carbs entirely, causing your body to go into ketosis and burn fat for energy. It doesn’t sound like that’s what you’re wanting, but that makes your actions and thread title misleading.
Carbs are full of calories, so it’s good to cut down on them, but I think instead of focusing on gluten based carb reduction, that you should just count your calories and make healthier choices. Use a diet tracking app and just track what you eat and count the calories. Traditional calorie in, calorie out diets work well for what you want. You will eat healthier, in smaller portion sizes and with exercise you will become more physically fit.
In the end, just do what works for you. The internet is a good resource, but as you can see by the responses here, there are much more than 1 way to skin this cat.
I hear ya. But if you even want a copy of my diet feel free to PM me.
Fats are about 2x as calorie dense. Other than that I agree fully with what you’re saying here.