STi modding on hold... need some "prayers" for wifey

To start at the beginning, my wife’s family was visiting last weekend (not this past weekend) and they asked to bring their dog and we said that was fine but asked them to keep it on a leash and out of our house because my dog is very protective / territorial. Well needless to say, they didn’t listen and let their dog walk right into our house and it went straight to my dog’s food bowl. Well my dog went off (being the protective breed she is) and attacked their dog. My wife instinctively jumped in to break them up and in the confusion my dog accidentally bit my wife very badly. It completely ripped through the skin almost all the way around her thumb and went about 3/4 of the way through the actual bone. The tip of her thumb was pretty much hanging off at the knuckle. She went to the ER and luckily they were able to save her thumb but it was in pretty rough shape.

Fast forward to today, she had her 2nd follow-up appointment to see how the wound was healing and we got some pretty bad news. Apparently the wound is pretty badly infected and basically the doctor said that we have until Wednesday to see some improvement in the infection or else they are going to have to go the surgical route and re-open and scrape all of the infection out.

So needless to say, she is not working and the only disability her work has is the state which is very minimal… so all STi modding has come to a complete halt in lieu of higher priorities. So no FMIC is going to be getting done anytime soon.

Ok, now that the manly stuff out of the way, I’d like to ask you guys to do my wife and I a favor and keep her in your “prayers” that this infection goes away. If it does not, then best case scenerio is they have to do the surgery (and repeat multiple times if necessary) and if that doesn’t do it, there is a good chance she could end up losing her thumb… so we area really hoping this infection goes away.

Thanks guys!!

Wow, crazy to think a quite bite could do so much damage, but i’ve seen it many times. Hope your wife recovers quickly and fully!

Yea, my dog is an American Bulldog. They tend to have the jaw power almost equal to a pit bull… aka VERY strong. She did it completely by accident and knew immediately once it happened. My poor girl still isn’t quite the same… she refuses to leave my wife’s side at all and if my wife whines or makes any noise showing pain the dog is right there next to her. When it happened I really though my dog was going to have a heart attack because she was shaking so badly.

Hope your wife’s thumb is ok ZJ!

Hope all goes well Kenny and Kyra. I am sure Kyra will heal quickly.

WOW. Thats crazy best of luck to both of you and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Its weird to know/think that the dog is feeling tons of guilt because of this.

Yea, just the way she acts is completely different. She has been a ton more “mopey” lately. She is starting to come around but it will take some time. The entire time my wife was in the ER (it was a busy night so she was there for close to 6 hours) my dog refused to leave her side of the bed. She wouldn’t eat, drink, etc. I had to stay home at first to deal with Colonie PD and Animal Control and then stayed home for a little bit to help calm my dog down. Then went to be with my wife in the ER. I’m sure they will both come out of it ok, but my wife does not do well with surgeries (even though she is a nurse) and she is getting pretty worked up and worried about everything.

Kenny good luck man . Well moreso to kyra and plus real life rep for knowing what’s more important

Hope all ends well for you guys. Hopefully she’ll be ok. Shes already tougher the me I pass out while getting stitches on the small biopsy on my hand.

Yea… she’s a hell of a trooper. She refused pain meds in the ambulance because she wanted to make sure she was with it to answer questions at the ER and to know what was going on… def. has better pain tolerance than me… lol.

Keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers! Hoping for the best for you guys!

fuck that , i tell the shit aint workin and i need more lol

wow man. sorry to hear all this. Here’s to her having a speedy recovery, we’ll def be thinking of you guys.

Hoping for the best for your wife!

Kenny you need to post pics of her thumb! If you dont I will! And Kyra will be just fine she has been through worse and been just fine! Well physically not mentally afterall she did marry you LOL.

No pics… we gotta keep this work safe… lol.

post em pussy lol

Lol oh cmon Kenny you have too, when I get on the comp I will, I have both pics Kyra sent me…pre and post stitches!

The only pic I have is from the ER after they had restraightened it and cleaned it all out, but before stitches.

WARNING: This is not for the faint stomachs. Granted it doesn’t look nearly as bad as it did before they worked on it, but its still pretty crazy.

And my puppy the day after the accident… trying to comfort wifey. She still feels so bad about it.

nice battle wound , dog is a cute pup as well