Stickers are illigal in MA.

I got ticketed last year when my stickers were almost halfway across the windshield for obstruction of driver vision haha


he got a warning though

pee standing up…

yeah thought not. go make me a sandwhich


incorrect. you can not have anything hanging off your rear view mirror, including beads or air freshners…

i have those in my headlights lol i had a colonie cop try and tell me they weren’t legal then i turned them on for him and he told me to drive safe :rofl assholes

technically it is supposed to “reflect” the proper color, but its a gray area as a lot of newer cars come with clears. as long as it flashes amber they really can’t do shit.

stealth bulbs are also a fuckton cheaper than $30. i dunno where you shop.

theyll try and get you for anything

Continue to vote for liberals… keep it up, see where it gets you.

plus eleventybillion to that

:rofl At least one post in any thread complaining about some form of government.

and hes got every right to

LOL jammer with the “itoldyaso” posts everytime !!!

For now. :shifty


yeah next obaaaama might ban free speech

i agree with him. shit is out of hand.

the true meaning of “freedom of speech” has already been thrown out the window since wwi. the bush administration also took this and more civil liberties away from us as well…