So ride pulls me over…i didnt kno it was ride until i got close otherwise i woulda avoided it :evil: So whats the deal with this??? U cant have them in the windsheild so how do u guys go about fighting this? one whos gotten away with the ticket says state that your bumper was just painted and needed 48 hours to dry. its tru since my bumpers flatblack(primer) aswell as one fender and the hood…i could simply take pics proving that yea the car had been painted…its not like sum ricer kids going to primer his front bumper after getting the ticket and take pics so show that the bumper was really painted. i hate cops. :evil:
Front plate must be visible at all times.
Windshield doesn’t count as visable in most officers books.
This law is up to their discretion, if they want to give u a ticket, it’s and easy one to give.
Your best bet is just to have your plate on the bumper. :?
Don’t cut it, bend it or modify it in any way either, thats a ticket too.
your license plate must be mounted to upper-most and forward most point of your bumper or something like that.
ur also not allowed to modify, bend or cut your license plate either.
or have it hinged to fold up.
it really pisses them off when the same cop pulls you over 5 times and doesnt figure it out till the last time.
Yeah, I used the whole, just got my car painted thing, I actually had the receipt for it too. I showed the cop at the scene of the ticket giving the new fender well, freshly painted hood and fender ans he said take it to the JP, he will let you off.
So, I went into court (in Cayuga) and this stupid 17yr old chick was just before me and screwed herself up by being a bitch cause her pink civic was a show car and couldn’t have holes drilled in the bumper :roll:
So, rewinding a bit, I talk to the Crown attourney before the session commenced and she had the HTA book open to that section and it was something like what Bing said.
ffwd to my little trial. I was as polite as I could be without seeming like an ass kisser. I told the judge that I didn’t do anything that would endanger anyones life, like running a stop sign or speeding, I just didn’t want to wreck my paint and that I would come and show him that I had mounted it within the week after the paint fully cures. He said that the plate in the windshield would be deadly if I were to be in an accident. The plate could fly around and cut my head off in an impact. I can kinda see what he was saying.
So… I ended up telling him I was a poor sob and got the fine dropped to $40 and I got 6 months to pay it.
Friggen loosers. I have been to court about 6 times now and that was the only time the charge stuck. I am still up 5 to 1.
Theo how did u say to him that u would show him u mounted it within 7 days? Was ur trial not Loooong down the road from the actual date u got the ticket? I hate how cops dont tell u what ticket ur getting before they go back to their car and write it up…cuz once they write it up they cant erase it or sum sh!t. Cop let a friend off on 1 ticket gave him a ticket for horn instead but the cop was a idiot and wrote the ticket just didnt give it to him…1/2 a year later he gets pulled and told to get a ride home his liscence had been taken away and he had no notice in the mail or anything…If u explain before the cop writes the ticket then u can change his mind but if its written theres little u can do. Im just taking pics of my car with the painted bumper getting a friend to print off a invoice stating my bumper was painted and the paint needed 72 hours to cure(he works at nissan) and finaly mount that hidious thing on my fresh bumper and have a picture of it on…
I just want a nyce caddi now fully loaded heated seats and clean daytons with white sidewalls. jettas and civics have nothin against a caddi drifting! im sure u guys would run my sh!t…ur atleast 1/2 the weight to begin with. *sigh…cops are such pricks cuz im 18.
They say the license plate can cut you in event of an accident. So not safe at all.
Oh yeah, sorry, I told the cop at the scene that I would mount it in a week and show him. He said the JP would take care of it all.
They are just lying to you when they say that the JP will let you off, just plead innocent. That is a crock of shit to get you to stop bugging them to let you off.
Good luck man. It pretty much depends on what kind of mood the JP is in that day. Either he is nice and you get a deal or he is bitchy and you get raped. Just be nice, don’t speak out of turn, don’t start telling your sob story untill he askes you what you have to say. He will ask you the questions.
They hate it when their toes get stepped on.
Respect is the key here.
Haha, you really don’t like to read, do you… Heh, me neither. I just like to blab.
Haha, you really don’t like to read, do you… Heh, me neither. I just like to blab.[/quote]
Someone mentioned that? :o
yeah i’m tired and have been reading journals online all day. Cant wait till the 16th.
Normally i read every post, because i have to. But got lazy, and it bit me in the ass.
Lol, that’s pretty blatant.
ok, did the cop also mention how they need the license plate in the front, so in case there’s a hit and run, they can identify the car, by the imprint on the victim’s body?
Haha, no he didn’t. That would be pretty funny.
I did have to let a cop into my dads shop one night (early morning) after a little altercation. I had to prove that the dent on the rear quarter pannel of my '76 Cordoba was from the guys shoe and not from his g/f’s head. Luckily for me the shoe print was still there

Haha, no he didn’t. That would be pretty funny.
It’s happened.
Did you get a ticket at RIDE?
Hey enzos, be careful trying to “dodge” RIDE, they have other cars spotting people who try to take an obvious turn to avoid their setup.
I imagine they wouldn’t be as nice…
just pay the ticket,
i had a front plate ticket this year, paid it, still dont wear the front plate.
it was pretty hilarious actually.
i was super nice with the cop, he said he lived where i lived, (ticket was also in Cayuga), he came back with the plate ticket and asked if i knew how to handle it.
i sad “yup, this is my twelfth ticket sir”
“twelfth? how do you keep a license?”
“i fight em all, bet you didnt see em on my record.”
“nope, how do you keep insurance?”
“cheaper than drinking”
“true, have a good day”
that was about it.
go to court, learn the process, fight tickets worth fighting.
everyone knows that you have to have a front plate, if you dont wear it you should get a ticket.

Hey enzos, be careful trying to “dodge” RIDE, they have other cars spotting people who try to take an obvious turn to avoid their setup.
I imagine they wouldn’t be as nice…
I tried to dodge RIDE once. A cruiser came flying up behind us, an asked us why we turned. We said we were going in a different direction anyways. And my friend dared him to breathayze us. :noes: The cop didn’t, but asked us to open our trunks, i guess he was looking for something. And just let us go with a warning.
I wasn’t totally drunk, but i had a few pints, enough to get me baited.
I was just lucky, but haven’t done it since. And i was much younger then too.
Meh i could have turned at the lights before they were pulling people…another reason for me to grab glasses for driving…i couldnt tell wtf was going on and i wanted to see this big accident or w/e it was…i madd at myself for not turning at the lights or going to my Gfs instead of strait home. And yes they did give me a ticket at RIDE. I dont see how they can search ur car like wtf…my buddy got threw ride stopped at tims and watched over me. He said on the phone if they search my car hes coming over and complaining. Just from pulling a U…? or did u turn at a light. If u pulled a U i geusse they have probable cause to search ur car thinking ur hiding sumthing. or the smell of booze in the air? Im looking at 96 impalas preferably the SS or clone a caprice. maybe ill have less hastle with a impala. I get pulled CONSTANTLY…every cop or atleast 80% of the ones that are going my direction or can easly go from where ever their going to going in my direction pull me over :evil: I wish my dad was a biker their hardcore and kno every single right they have and arnt afraid to fight with a cop. Cop was advising me to take the 4th option…basicly pleading guilty show that i have a plate bla bla…im like So the courthouse is on burthanthorpe? Responds yes but its easyest if u buy a bracket show the reciet and they will give u a reduction. i respond to her " i have 14 days to set a court date? she says yes but encourages me to take the 4th option goes on for a second then i just say thanks officer thats all i need to kno have a great night. :twisted: Its sucha slap in the face to them but i wasnt completly an a$$hole to her. i can be soo much worse…if only they didnt have a badge and a gun…Id be a cop killa :twisted: jkz