Street-race crash kills 7 in crowd

Did any of you guys read the fucking article?

The Caprice was NOT racing anyone.

2 cars started the race and everyone piled onto the road to watch them speed away. The Caprice was just driving along when these people decided it was a good time to block the road with their bodies.

Anyone who died in that accident “deserved” it. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU STAND IN THE STREET TO WATCH A RACE??

Thankfully the innocent driver of the Caprice is still alive, and thankfully the bodies he plowed into didn’t fatally harm him.

Stupid asses. All of you.

they never mentioned what cars were racing, they didnt even get cought, that is pretty rediculas non the less that everyone was standing in the middle of the road, but if he the driver in the caprice didnt have his lights on, which was said by a one of the crowd he could probably catch a charge for that

“There were just bodies everywhere; it was horrible,” said Crystal Gaines, 27, whose father was among the dead.

Gaines said she grabbed her child but could not help her father, William Gaines Sr., 61.

So what’s wrong with this picture!? A whole family is on the side of the road at 3:40am? Grandpa, daughter, and grandson?

this could only mean one thing…crackheads, that must be it!

Let’s see, driving with out your lights on. Plows into croud of people killing 7. I’m sure he’ll see a ticket for something. Wait till the tox report says the guy was drunk.

this was from another forum that had some people that were actually there

Re: Street racing crash in MD

Crazy thing was Perdue and I left an hour before this happen. It was mostly domestic cars up there. I guess they have been racing for years. Bring cars off trailers racing for big money. So it wasn’t all kids, mostly older guys. Big race just ran and the crown vic was flying down the road without head lights lost control and hit the crowd. They said body were flying everywhere. A tractor trailer coming the other side of the highway hit some people trying to avoid the accident. Crazy. Had some 8 sec cars racing


Re: Street racing crash in MD

My friend was there when it actually happen. The crowd of people walked into the highway after the cars took off to see who was winning and didnt bother looking to see if cars were coming up the highway. New reports state the crown vid didn’t see the people due to the smoke of the cars. Friend said body parts were everywhere. H e trip over someones leg running to his car


^ sounds like a crazy scene.

does anyone actually read the article? the caprice wasn’t racing.


the people in the road were defiantly at fault. however the caprice sounds really sketchy. if his lights were out he was probly drunk or high, if not who the hell whips through clouds of smoke!

“Police said the white sedan was not involved in the street race but accidentally drove into the crowd.”

So what people were out watching a street race. Probly a local grudge that was set up after hours. Is a 61 year old not allowed to be out at 340? would it of been better if the race was set up during rush hr or when kids were in the parents car on the way back from sports or someshit. Deff a sad storey for everyone involved

Sucks that all those people died. They shouldn’t have been in the road but I don’t understand how you don’t see like 50 people in the road. My bet is the driver of the crown vic was drunk or something of that nature.

No headlights for one thing. If he was close enough he wouldv’e seen them racing and the people, if he was far enough and saw the smoke he shouldv’e slowed down since he couldn’t see. Sounds like invoulentary manslaughter to me.


People are SOOOOOOOO dumb…

“Hey, look at those cars racin ova theyre…”

(turns head)



(7 people run over)

Those people deserve it. Would you stand in the middle of a bowling lane when people are bowling?

glad you have a good sense of humor to laugh about 8 people dying, and 8 peoples families that are without loved ones… also forgot to mention that girl who saw her dad laying in pieces on the road… hahahahahah its so funny… :picard: :gtfo:

The funny part of this post is that the link states this

“Fans had spilled onto the smoky, dark road to watch the cars drive away when a white Ford Crown Victoria unexpectedly came up from behind and smashed into them.”

:rubicant: :whip:

meh. shitty thats all i can really say to that.

I was in an enraged state… ever see the hulk try yell at stupid people and mix up a word… not the whole fucking article?

Ass :stuck_out_tongue:

So the dude in the passenger seat wasn’t a passenger at all.
Though he did go for a short ride.

exactly what I said when I saw this on the news yesterday. and then I found out that they walked out IN TO THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING HIGHWAY IN A CLOUD OF SMOKE. and then I lost all sympathy, and celebrated the fact that the collective IQ of this country just raised maybe a thousandth of a point.