Street Racing Article

That’s the biggest load of BS ever imo.

How can they determine weather a shop is building a car for street or track use?
Seems a little far fetched to me.

on the basis of probability? that’s retarded. that’s like sayin someone who legally owns a gun is has a probability to rob a bank, so we should take away the gun now.

DOH! Then according to the article my company is like the Cali Cartel? :hmm
THE AG gets the ":::

they can chew the bark of my big fat log, wat a bunch of BS…

dumbasses never considered street legal track cars…

i give up listening to the media they can go **** a goat for all i care… its all a bunch of bullshiit

Yep that’s Bryant the Tyrant for you.


Is there legislation for this?

Yep made some changes, this was in the works for a while and since the up rising from this weekend, you bet its going to make some nasty elections platform material for the Cons and Liberals!

thank God I am not in Ontario anymore! ahahaha


I was looking for this Legislation on the MTO website but cannot find it. Does anyone have a link to this? I don’t trust what the news says.

They’d be crushin’ em rice-rockets down low in Cali already… OHNOES!!11

So far I’ve only seen Hondas, but still I am wondering
Where is this legislation? Of course cops can take it to court and try to prove it etc, but there is nothing that says a cop can be on the road at any time and pull it off the road whenever they feel like it to crush it on the spot

There’s TONS of hype about this, and all I keep seeing is what the media thinks about it, but I never see anything that the government has written about it (with no media influence)

wow… 4 egs, a teg and whatever that silver thing is. Honestly, i feel bad for the guys who lost their cars. I think car crushing is going a bit far, but i actually support the new legistlation which makes street-racing a criminal offense.

However, i dont like how modifying cars is now associated with crime.

The douchebags that killed the truck driver on the 400, were they the first to be charged with the new legislation?

Just some info (not media related)

The day they do that to my car, i’m gonna pack my shit and go somewhere more leaniant, whats next no sooping up roller blades because you go to fast and kill rabbits!!! enjoy the time while you can, ever noticed how rediculas and stringent laws become slowly and definately every year, i don’t think the muscle era or old school import muscle was built while these gay laws existed. Where’s the damm freedom.

IF they crushed any one of my cars because of me “street racing” you might just as well go on a rampage and start shooting everything you see, because you mostlikely will be walking wherever you want to go for the rest of your life anyways, no point in living imo

You may be right but i’ve seen it happen three times already not now but last year and year before, at Hurontario and brittania or a bit further south at the Esso gas station, about 5 tow trucks, and i clearly remember, one white and one red Integra type -R seemes like the 2000plus models, and real clean looking burgandy 1997 accord coupe and h22’s, were being towed and i was getting gas all i saw was some reallllly pissed of people of some which looked big you wouln’t want to mess with, all i could hear was F-this that, and yelling, and loads of unmarked black impalla’s at every corner of the 4 way intersection, saw it same place 3 times, same place where i also got a ticket by the unmarked black crown vic’s,this past december,

they roll heavy in that area for some reason in large numbers undercover cops i mean, i know now for a fact from there all the way to division 22 north on hurontario and further up downtown brampton is a death trap for sooped up cars. Many reasons, among the most common, all the timmies line up either to the left or right on this long steath of hurontario, and is really popular for over 300 cars on weekends throughout this long stretch.

They know who lives close and who dosen’t they usually harass the outsiders ALOT, my friend from rexdale, got 59 TICKETS in one go, he never came to brampton again, i dont blame him, because he had so many tickets, the judge being uneducated about cars ruled his car was tooo modifyied for the street, half true, but still everything was legal.

Like i mentioned in my newbie intro, things like this is the reason i never ended up modifying my previous cars, and now things seem to be getting worse!!!

hmmm thanks, but does anyone see anything about confiscating cars and/or crushing?

My Rabbit died last night actually…
R.I.P Trixx

i did read through that also and didnt see anything about being able to confiscating cars and crushing them. but there was a small section about impounding a car for a week.