Street Racing Cases Not So Clear Cut

let me start off by stating that i in no way endorse the behaviour of what happened in this specific case involving alleged street racing. it was a very tragic case, and no one has the right to put other people’s lives in jeopardy without facing the consequences of their actions. but it just goes to show how twisted and sensationalized news outlets can spin stories, ESPECIALLY ones involving street racing.

i’m sure everyone read about/heard about the two men who were racing up yonge street and killed the couple who were on their way home from a wedding anniversary. right off the bat, this came on the heels of the street racing fatality involving the taxi driver on mount pleasant avenue. so of course, every news media source jumped on the bandwagon and started to sensationalize this story, referring to “shocking” statistics, victim impact statements, testimonials from media whore cops, random public opinions, and so on.

street racing was seen as an epidemic and those “souped up vehicles” were seen as murderous weapons similar to a loaded gun. the two street racers were the latest cold-blooded murderers whose actions were completely to blame for the tragic loss of the couple’s lives. The couple’s actions however were never questioned nor scrutinized by the media, because it was all focused on the two men charged.

fast-forward to today where it was discovered that mr. manchester, the driver of the vehicle that was struck by the street racers, had a blood alcohol level TWICE that of the legal limit. did anyone ever question whether this may have been a contributing cause, if not primary cause of the crash itself? NO. it also seems oddly convenient that this key information was only recently released and reported after the fallout of blame fell on the street racers.

mind you, i’m no expert on collision investigations, but it seems to me that the presumption of guilt should not automatically be blamed on the side of the street racer, a modified car, or any other generalized stereotype the media is feeding to the public when cases like this illustrate the dangerous implications of “buying into” media hype when you don’t even know the whole story or all the contributing factors involved.

the media tries to make street racing related incidences clear cut, but if anything has been shown from this case, it’s that the facts can be skewed and misconstrued to reflect a certain viewpoint, and then quickly retracted and changed by the media when “new” information is presented.

That really pisses me off. It just shows how ****ed up the governments priorities are!

Who thinks we should move out of Ontario? I’m taking it into serious consideration… not for another couple of years though. I’ll give the government some time to redeem themselves. If not, I’m out of here!

where would you move to? china?

WOOT far far east coaaaaaaast

All accidental deaths are sad and unfortunate… however…

This is all part of a bigger phenomenon… it appears that those who control the information use it to scare and control people to act and behave the way they see fit. The viewpoint is highly conservative (not referring to political party) and conformist. If you are not part of the majority then you are branded as deviant. Car modifications have been branded as deviant behaviour. The unfortunate thing is I have not seen any PR from the automotive/tuner industry fighting to oppose this message. All negative messages can be spun in the other direction.

You need to question and take all news broadcasts with a grain of salt. All media have bias, and in the end they need $$$… any stories that will raise emotions, capture viewers will be fine tuned for maximum impact.

@david: East? Vancouver? Some place where insurance and cops cant gay the shit out of you!

@mitch: Well you say that there hasnt been any PR with other media and the government, isnt that what takeit2thetrack and OMVOC are supposed to be doing?

not a surprise…media allways go’s with the shock or cry baby side of things.
people wouldn’t know what to think or a side to take if they said…“this just in… a stoopering drunk has wandered into traffic while people who were speeding (but not drunk) drove where they were supposed to drive…between the line and the curb”

i’ve been saying “ill give em some time” for years…they never learn.

MAJOR RANT BELOW Very opinionated***WARNING***
ignore if you don’t have thick skin*

The ANTI-MODDER / TUNER attitude is actually a LIBERAL viewpoint. (I am not flaming or anything JDM).
LIBERALS are the one with the one world one nation you will be assimilated mindset.
liberals (and comunists and marksists) invented “Politically correct”-ness.
and this is just that. Politically correctness.

if you notice Canada is a severly off center’ed (to liberal) nation
the news agencies as well.

we care so much,… we’ll be abosorbed by another nation while apologising for hurting their feelings…because we didn’t “Want” to assimilate into their culture (AND government) …a la not politically correct.

free will and the ability to defend it OR go to jail for it is the true essence of democracy.

not being allowed to mod a car
not being allowed to drive a modded car on the streets
not being allowed to do other things of this nature is not democracy.

a spoiler is not proof that I speed… but it is to mrs.daycare
nitrous is not proof that I race… but it is to mr.opcifer
big tires are not proof I drive “vigerously”… but it is to mrs.minivan

ever see a lady driving a porsche doing 110lmh on the 410 in the slow lane?
we have all seen something similar to this.
should she get a ticket because she has a spoiler or big tires or looks like a race car…


but these things will be illegal some day if we KEEP VOTING LIBERAL.

the liberal matra is has and allways will be…
WE DECIDE… for the good of many over the individual.

the conservative mantra has allways been SIMILAR but noticeably different…
for the good of many… AS DECIDED BY THE MANY.

if you believe otherwise you’ve been lied to.
the point of conservativism is “supposed to be” minmalistic in all aspects…
government interference
gov’t size
I TOTALLY agree that it has happened… often… that this is not the case…absolute power corrupts absolutly…
but it is SUPPOSED to be the basis.

we could vote NDP…
have taxes skyrocket as the government starts paying out more for welfare than …a full time…minimum wage job pays …AGAIN…

…yes this did happen…under an NDP gov’t in ontario.
adults could go on welfare and have a bigger cheq come in than a full time minimum wage job.
add 2-3 kids and you were up to almost $10/hr job. (minimum wage was like $6/hr)

I dont wanna tell you how to vote … these are MY OPINIONS…
dont like em…tuff…IGNORE ME THEN…

i may not like yours…and ya know what…tuff for me too.
i dont need a law to protect my thin skin…i grew out of diapers years ago.
my skin thickened to compensate.

so share your thaughts but don’t cry when someone disagree’s about what you think is nice and right and lollipops and sunshine.

^^^ good rant. i agree with some points. just as a heads up, proof read before you post, there were a couple of typos i had a hard time disconcerning.

the biggest problem i see (and this is in regards to everything, not just tuning cars) is that ppl are getting WAY too paranoid.

Mrs. soccermom thinks that just because our cars are tuned to go fast, that we will in order to indanger everyone else on the road.
these are the same ppl that constantly use hand sanitizer and end up getting sick because their immune system is weak.
these are the same ppl who make their kids wear life jackets instead of going in the water with their kids, and then wonder why their kid is afraid of water (sorry, im a lifeguard/swim instructor, and i see this WAY too often).

i, for one, think we should let natural selection take its course. if some dumbfsk decides to drive drunk, and ends up taking out a school bus full of kids, then sh!t. thats sucks. its a shame and all, but get fsking over it. ppl die, its what happens. sorry if i seem harsh, but the world is WAY overpopulated (and everything else is suffering) and there are WAY too many stupid ppl around. maybe ppl will smarten up.

Like the saying goes, if you play with fire, you’re gunna get burned. However, why should other ppl force you to get burned? sometimes you can get by without burning yourself. hope you guys know what i mean.

“Rob and Lisa Manchester, aged 46 and 43, were out celebrating their 17th wedding anniversary May 27, 2006, when a car, going 20 to 32 kilometres an hour over the speed limit, slammed into the Richmond Hill couple’s vehicle.”

so for 20-32km/h over is dangerous driving now, only when you hit an impaired driver who pulls out in front of you…

not to downplay the tragedy of the 8 year old girl who has no parents now, for her, my heart weeps.

^^^ clarification… when I refer to conservative view points… I’m not referring to political parties… rather conservative idealogy… ie thou shall be a good taxpayer, work a 9-5 job, get married, be in a heterosexual relationship, buy a house, have 2 kids and drive a minivan, buy RRSP’s and retire at 65…

Hot local news items… street racing, drugs, gang related crimes = deviants that immediate action should be taken upon, without thought… It’s mob mentality when people demand action without consideration of the consequences.

TAKEIT2THETRACK is working to provide tangible alternatives to street racing and raise awareness to the public.

What is needed is a PR firm that will issue responses and press releases to manage the perception of sports cars; lobby specialty groups on our behalf etc. However this takes $$$ that the automotive industry should be contributing to.


^^^ JAPAN!

I was actually thinking about Florida… Test pipes are legal in that state, and Cops seems very lenient down there as there’s plenty of tuner scene there. Not to mention… Girls in Bikini’s all year round :wink:

JDM… True DAT! (old school)
we are in total greement
thanks for the clarification…wasn’t flaming you…just know that often people think that if your condservative you’re against any kind of fun.
responsible or not.

catch me with a turbo and the only thing you can prove is that i dont like to take 15 seconds to get up to the speed limit.