i can understand how its uncontitutional, however if this law changes for the better, I cna guarantee the streets will be much more dangerous…people are going to take advantage of it (IF IT CHANGES FOR THE BETTER)
I honestly believe that this whole speeding/street racing this is highly overrated in around here. Sure people have been caught and a few people have died, but if you look under the circumstances that were in place, it was enevitable. Most people that race on the public roads are idiots. However, like a lot of things, theres a time and a place to do it.
if you go to “bumfunk village boonieville” at 2:00am in the morning on a monday…on a road/ industrial area with no pedestrains, you can have a lot of fun. I lot of people on this forum im POSITIVE have done some stupid shit on the roads/ other areas and know EXACTLY what im talking about. You’re on highway 400 past BARRIE at 2:00AM with no other cars on the road, I see it being okay to go to 150km/h, but thats only because you are only putting yourself in danger. Same thing if you are past WHITBY or something, on some road where you can see ahead for miles. If you are by yourself, or with another person, giving some gas i see being okay, as long as you can be responsible with the conequences that can occur and have enough driving experience to do so (something I dont think a lot of drivers think about nor understand. eg, driving their mom’s BMW to 240km/h after having their license for only 6 months, never been to a track with the car and coming back from colossus just finished watching FNF4, thinking their vin diesel decide to go fast with no experience whatsoever)
If you reach a light on younge street and drop the clutch drag style, there are sidewalks with pedestrians, there are buldings, poles, eletrical circuits all over… all-in-all the chances of you causing damage to yourself, your car, as well as others are much more likely.
There was a documentary i once watched when I was younger about street racing in ontario. one dude “the king” with a white eg civic, and another dude with a black FC3S rx7. I always remember the methods they used to carry out street racing sessions. They were VERY ORGANIZED, using talkie talkies, have watchers at the end of every road to look out for pedestrians/other cars, they basically did it INITIAL D/ FAST AND FURIOUS STYLE. not having a big crowd with them. and they did it out of the lack of a good race track in the area, with all of this not having one single fatality caused by their “organization”.
Honestly, i can preach for an hour and some of you might get it, some of you might not. BOTTOM line, the new street racing law is unfair for all car owners, especially the ones with mods, due to the level of harassment, the unreasonable fines, and the stereotypes affiliated with sports car owners. I used to like driving over 30 past midnight on the highway at certain times…NOW? Even though most if not all the other drivers are actually going over the limit i feel like I have to quickly patrol the area just to try and keep up with traffic. I do think that having it in effect has deterred a lot of us from speeding EXCESSIVELY. People who normally go over the limit in school areas have stopped (some of them anyways), and people who have raced in many rural and city areas have decreased/stopped their recless driving. In the end, even though it has limited our freedom in a lot of ways, it has been proven to be effective…i just hope that this appeal will give us some more leniancy in some areas and will at least give some sports car owners a chance to enjoy our cars, while keeping the buttheads in check.
That is all.