Stunt Driving?

we post like this because us “VETERENS” have seen pretty much everything go on, on this site. Every one has a right to post about your situation, why ? because you asked. What do u think is going to happen when u drive a car that is not legit to drive and get pulled over. What if you hit a kid and killed somebody or even got in an accident regardless of the fact of the “racing” or not. I love how the newer/younger people of this board have a “ITS NOT MY FAULT I DIDNT FOLLOW THE LAW” attitude. It blows me away how eveybody wants to pass the buck and make it somebody elses fault.

dont get me wrong if you were doing nothing wrong then i hope u get it all sorted out, but from what your saying , it dont look good

think what u want about the veterens, but i dont see them in the situations you are in !!
