Stupid F*ing neighbors.


Where is the proof of this? I just got aletter in the mail saying im running a repair shop and have unregisterd cars at my place. Where can i find this info?

i love my neighbors in the summer my cars out not reegistered or insured and im taking it down the street spiinin the tires and all and i got a broke van out front and my neighbor has a broke car with no plates in front as well then again i live on a deadend street. sorry i had to say sumthin. but on topic either put plates on it(fake or real) get a carport, or find out any dirt u can about your neighbor and squeal like a piggy

and ur the reason they have laws like this so trailor park lawn ornaments dont depreciate the value of the neighborhood



eh, dont have it off hand. Something I was told by an officer (capt.) a couple years ago.

yeah the good 'ol Amherst popo tried pulling that shit on me over the summer when my truck was sitting in the driveway on jackstands for a month when i was re-doing the engine. when they found out is was registered and insured, there wasnt too much they could do. i think i made the cop feel like an ass when i produced a valid registration and proof of insurance because he just said have a nice day and walked back to his car lol

Not true at all. All vehicles must be registered and insured in Buffalo. It’s just selective enforcement. I have 2 cars in my garage here on GI because my friend on the West Side was told by the city to move them or register them. They were not hazards and totally road worthy. The neighbor just had to call the Mayor’s hotline and put him in a world of shit.

I think if you really look at the law you’ll find most toiwns do not allow unregistered vehicles. It just depends who complains.

As for noise, it’s all about the decibels. Doesn’t matter what time it is, if it’s too loud, ticket time.

Giving a cop attitude is probably the worst thing you could possibly do as well…

Just keep it quiet until it is registered. Then randomly start it up and rev the shit out of it every morning for a week, the minute the noise ordinance stops. (8:00?) If she confronts you, remind her you are within the law. She’ll love that. Or put it in the garage, open the door, rev it, stop, close door, and leave. Daily. I hate neighbors who insist on trying to make people’s lives as miserable as theirs.

yeah, that was the part i liked, lol

yep, boardjnky4 and I have had our problems with this. First with his civic then with my 200sx, its just town assholes that have nothing better to do.

The first guy was a total asshole, second one was actually an ok guy. ut you do have to have it registered and insured, and theres a limit to how many cars, 3 I beleive in Amherst. But if they dont see it they cant call you on it, we keep our 2 in the garage.

i have some friends. what street are you on?

For those of you that know me when I lived in amherst I usually had 5 or so unregistered V’s at a time and they never said anything.I think the most I had was 11 between the 2 houses.They were 99% nicer cars tho and def. road worthy.

Come summer if she’s still pulling this shit, i think the section of the street right in front of your house should be designated the new NYSpeed burnout pit…only while she’s gardening that is… :slight_smile:

On a more serious note…what everybody else said…find out the actual laws, and find out what the loopholes are…there are always loopholes…

Give her what she wants until you find a way to piss her off legally…and then don’t get mad, get even :tup: I fully support an eye for an eye…

In W.s Vehicle has to be registered to be on your property…if it isnt, i’d suggest leaving it in a garage where nobody can see it, and if the cops ask, tell them its for sale. Oh and dont rev engine to alert people you have an unregistered vehicle on your property, gives them a reason to call an bitch becaus they have nothing better to do but complain uhh i cant sleep, wakes me up - asshole neighbors

try living across from local wanna be politicians in pendleton. the police have been to my parents house more times than i can count.

i live on osgood j epo1 lol

and the burnout pit actually sounds nice, she works during the day, so maybe we can leave her some rubber for when she gets home at night. god knows theres enough of it in front of my driveway.

how about a who has the loudest exhaust meet, your house on some random night at about 10pm? If the noise ordinance goes from 11pm that leaves an hour of fun to be had

sure, let me go and take off all my exhaust and piping, ill run just headers…