Stupid spark plugs!!!

Allright so I just picked up a 1995 Altima, was going to the basic oil change, fuel filter change, air filter change, seafoam : :wink: , rad flush, and spark plugs. But while I was trying to remove the first spark plug I noticed that the spark plug puller didnā€™t actually grab anything, it was just spinning. I thought wierd, so I went to the second one, it opened easy, same with the rest. So I took a light and looked inside, the hex nut on the spark plug is completely round :evil: :evil: :evil: I tried everything, lubricated it, tried like 20 different sockets, trying to turn it from the circled hex nut, or the ceramic portion, but no avail. Unfortunately the top aluminum part that goes into the spark plug wire twisted off but the spark plug is still there. So Iā€™m really fucked. Anyone have any ideas how I should go about this without removing the valve cover and tap drilling the spark plug (oh itā€™s gonna be a pain). Anyway, any help is appreciated. And Iā€™ve checked multiple boards, and no mention of a similar problem. Thanx.


Sell It.

No but what you need is this:

Lol, thats balls man,

That kinda happened to me, except it was rounded before i got the car and i didnt know. I had to remove the head and drill it out.

I tried using the tool Jantos showed, but it didnt work very well at all.

Ya same here, when I put the spark plug tool in it was spining freely.

Hey Jantos, where can I get that tool from? Princess Auto?



Craftsman from sears sell them,

But like i said, didnt work for me. The piece is too big to fit down the sparkplug hole and still fit in the socket to turn it. ā€¦ youā€™ll understand if you use it.

ā€¦ good tool to have anyways.

I broke the ceramic top off and got a deep set of those extractors.

Canadian Tire, Sears, Princess Auto, Snap-On, Mac etc all sell them

Oh man thatā€™s exactly what I was wondering, the end is too fat, I even tried out the gator at cdn tire, stupid thing is also too fat. BTW, Jantos, what extractors are you talking about? Do you have a pic. BTW, I already took the valve gasket off, so I donā€™t need too much of a reach. Thanx for the help.

That extractor is for removing ā€œroundedā€ nuts and bolts. The nut/bolt corners can be rounded but there must still be some flat surface left on the nut/bolt for the extractor to work. IF the nut/bolt is rounded completely 360degree, then good luck, itā€™s not going to work. If so, head disassembly is the only way to go.

oh man, the bolt is completely rounded as far as i can tell, it seems that the spark plug is actually missing the hex nut, how??? I donā€™t know. sooooā€¦ seems like Iā€™m screwed an am going to have to take the head apart :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

If the head comes off, dont forget to change the head gasket, and its always good to get the head resurfaced.

you know the funny part, I gave this car to my brother as a birthday gift, now itā€™s costing me!!!

What if I get the drill bit that extracts. basically you drill into the sparkplug, then with the special bit you drill in again, but instead it spins the opposite way and pulls the spark plug out. I tried that when a bolt was stuck on my calliper.

BTW: any of you guys going to the west end meet tonight?

can i be your brother 2???

If you get a screw extracter, it make work it may not, I dont think the ceramic will take to nicely and just shatter. Eather way your pretty shit out of luck So give her a whirl :oops:

GT-101, Ive been where you are, trying everything to get it out. The screw extractos you are talking about will do exactly what newbie racer said, the will crack the ceramic so you need to remove all the ceramic if you are going to try to get it from the top. My spark plug holes were really long so the screw extractor could not fit, the drill bit to widen the hole was also hard to fit in, and if i drilled through the spark plug there would be metal shavings and ceramic in the cylinder. So i removed the head, took it to a drill press and spent hours slowly drilling through the spark plug until i had a large hole straight through. I was even using maching bits to do it, then you put in the largest screw extractor possible and getā€™er out.

There is a very large chance that if you turn the screw extractor wrong it will crack and its hardened steel and a bitch to remove.

ā€¦ best bet is to remove the head and bring it to a shop that specializes in that, if you dont have the tools or the time.

Ya man, thatā€™s what by neighbour said as well, about the extractor, I guess I gotta wait this one till I get some cash/time. :cry: :cry: :cry: