super hicas removal

i just got myself a 93 s13 with super hicas. now i was wondering what exactly the hicas elimination bar does and what i would have to do for the electrical. I am debating getting rid of the super hicas and want to fabricate my own lock out bar as i would rather not pay for it; if it costs to much i would def rather keep super hicas

The bar is quite simple, it’s basically a rod that is threaded on each end for the inner tie rods to thread into. It has 2 mounting tabs to bolt it to the subframe.

For electrical all you have to do is unplug the bulb in the dash so the annoying light doesn’t come on.

You also have to either change your power steering pump to a non-hicas pump or modify your hicas one.

Search around on Google or various forums, there is a wealth of information on it.

is there actually a difference between the regular pump and the super hicas pump? … it was my understanding the super hicas is an all electric system. I had assumed that meant that it wasnt reliant on the power steering pump

no, the hicas system is primarily all hydraulic. It uses very little electronics.

The PS pump is basically conprised of two seperate pumps, one for the regular steering, one for the hicas. Take the pump out, split it open and remove the rear fins that feed the hicas and your good to go, much easier then getting a non-hicas pump. Then just throw in a lock bar, or swap subframes. I have a lock bar for sale. Pm me if your interested.

on my 1991. what i did was took out all rear lines. and rear ps rack. cut off the rear feed line on my p.s reservoir and welded it closed.(i have one for sale). then i pulled my pump appart and pulled the rear pumps fins out. there little tiny squares that pop out when the pump rotates. there like 12 or something. then i cut the rear outputline where the metal adapter goes on the pump. and then i welded the holes in the bolt closed. the rear lines run to this metal lump ofcrap of the passenger side that can come off. and your done. as for the rear deletion bars. take 1peice of like 8 or 10 gauge metal and make a cut out of a |o o| the o is where the bolts when for your old ps. rack. then attach some tierods to metal threaded rods connect them and get an alignment after. done and done! hope this helps any more questions pm me!