Superstar not so super

are you going to be showing up with your split-personality? and the e-thug award goes to (drumroll) Superstar!

Tony is the man!!!..he can solve any problem on your car…first time i bought my car i went to him and he helped me out even though all his bays were full.

+1 for GTS’ comment

grow up children!

i’m definately gonna be at Bing’s again this year…bet nobody’s gonna talk or front…everyone gets shy in person lol

lollll sing ma song “gts” … this thread for sure is helpful to pass time at work. + 1 to superstar for being himself

After carefully reading this, all i can say is that its left me speechless. Darth Motorhead was fine calling him out on here but superstar’s response was way out of hand. Its all fair to explain yourself but to call people out at bings meet? yeah buddy, real mature. Be a man, if you have a solid reason then stand by your reasoning and follow up on the promised deal. Thats all i gotta say.

Nitescream: Shouldnt have gotten involved maaaaan lols this is too immature for you smacks him with a news paper bad boy -_-

hey was looking at all the fact, and i tried to understand both sides… and thats my ethug award :frowning: what am i going to get now… wait, wait how about a laughing award, when chilling with me its always jokes!!

and thats a small ‘n’ on nitescream geezzzz its right
<<<<------------THERE!!! lol

You couldn’t possibly sound more unconvincing

Since you didn’t really read what I had to write I’ll reiterate that I needed a transmission, the fact that it was kept out of the deal, assured another one would be given, and that deal abandoned, just makes him look stupid. The engine has been donated.

I take back that I gave you props, I might have actually got work done by you or given good word-of-mouth had you handled this differently, not too intelligent. I am in no way a pussy or crying about this. I think people will see that Superstar is a shady character and isn’t to be dealt with.

I retract my previous statement, the so-called “not bitching about this deal” person seems to be rather happy instigating shit> you had your say now stfu, just cuz based on hearsay from your perspective you got scammed doesnt mean you can keep starting shit.

God the kids on son nowadays, I vote we no longer have bans, just slaps to the face from a Mod for being a blantant whiny child, that outta sort people out quick times.

and yes Nitescream, i capitalized the N so that you would feel special, now go roll a durango lols

2jz240 is NOT Tony!! just happens to have the name like Tony has the car

alright darth, how about we settle this in person. Im not tony, im allan. the person that sold u the engine for the case of beer. the person u have been texting and emailing and crying to all the time. Lets meet up settle this. Since in ur text u are able to threaten me but now u want to seem like a victim. let me know when and where. You can bring all these little children that are bitching with you to. Im no little kid so this should be a quick lesson for me to teach you and the rest of you SON bitches. No need to be an ethug.

stop fighting… this stuff holds up in court so easy everybody!! i dont want to see this on the news or something, this is how shit gets started and people end up with concrete shoes.

this thread is awesome, i m so looking forward to bing’s meet this year.

Is 2jz240 ELON, or allan? Everybody there has a 2jz…

Mans are hard uh oh hes gonna beat u guys up…ibtl

please read post before u ask questions.

You sound like a moron.

And I can’t believe this thread isn’t locked yet.

LOL i love how yur acting all superhuman even though ironically you’re the one who didnt follow through with the deal…you think beating his face in will solve the problem? get him a damn tranny and it’ll be over -_-

Fuck you.

Elon = DA 1
Stephan = draggone
Junior = nitescream
Tony = ?? but hasnt been on here in years