Surprised nobody posted this: RIP 3 motorcyclists crash on Upper Mountain Road

I plan on showing up close to 7 as well. Say Hi to me if you see me. Ill be in a jetta TDI or on my blue gsxr

Important question… is the broken hand your masturbating hand or do you now need assistance?

you helped him before so how is that relevant? :slight_smile:


While I agree that running from the cops is dumb, Jeremy was a friend of jacks and I met him once or twice and its a pretty huge bummer that this happened.

Yea it’s a bummer people are dead, but a bigger bummer that if they weren’t trying to be a badass by running and actually used some intelligence and stopped they would still be alive. And I’m sick of hearin people say “dude if you’ve ever ridden a rocket it’s so easy to run, just down 2 and go”.

It’s like the Ryan Dunn thing, it’s a bummer he is dead but I don’t feel bad for him at all. He got behind
The wheel of what is basically a road legal race car drunk, he wad asking for it.

Speaking of deadmen and Rt240, what is going on at deadman’s curve on 240? They took the house out, then they took the hill out that the house was on, then they changed the drainage ditch so that it looks like they may lesson that curve. It is weird driving through there after 25 years of driving around a totally blind curve.

from what the sheriff told us, they are changing the road due to the amount of accident. and since construction there’s been way more accidents. Hopefully it’ll be better when its done and more people won’t wreck

Short story: I went around that curve at about 60mph southbound and a trooper passed by northbound, he pulled me over for no front plate and let me go with no ticket. lol

3 squids just pulled out in front of me, I almost took out them and their bitches, 4th squid stopped just in time to not get killed.

Sport bikes are dumb.

I hate to say it but i agree with newman. Not that it matters or that hes not a homosexual or anything.

I agree. Every idiot that runs is just more reason for the government to put more cops, more laws, and more fines on the books.

I can’t believe how some people honestly don’t expect criticism (especially on the interwebz) when Darwin does work.

Once you die, you can be a huge pain to soceity. Have drug charges, assualt charges or whatever you manage to rack up. But as soon as you kill yourself doing something stupid, you will be such a great guy. Miissed by everyone for all the good things you did. Out goes the window you were running from the cops, Being in toxicated or other dumb shit people do when they drive.

It’s the politically correct way of doing things.

i graduated with jeremy, and was in classes with him throughout school. he was alright but towards the last few years of highschool he was starting to get into stupid shit. he rode bikes his whole life, had a litre bike by his senior year and was already running from the cops then. when i heard about the accident, i could care less. if he wasnt stupid and stopped he would still be around. its his own fault everyones responsible for their own actions.

PC is gay.

Tired of being a nobody?

Buy a bike, run from police, die a hero. :tup:

QFT, is this like the new “suicide for attention” thing?