Suspect the clutch is!

Thanks for listening to me sasquatch , untold ya the same thing and ya credit some stoonad bimmer site .


what did you say Don Vito?

I listened to you too!! Thanks slowmarro! :hug

Lots and lots of :gay

oh my god. have you never driven in cold weather and looked at every other car going down the road? do they not teach common sense at RPI?

The CL was rarely driven in the cold, I usually walked. And the smoke was bad enough that I couldn’t see behind me. It didn’t appear normal from what I remembered about commuting or seeing other cars going down the street. Its okay though, won’t have to worry about it for much longer.

meh ususally when you start a vehicle up and take off when it still cold it smokes quite a bit. you should sell that thing down there and get a cleaner and newer e30 without the ugly bumpers and an I motor, swap the special optioned seats and wheel out and drive it

It all depends on what happens when I get down there. In any instance, this car probably won’t come back to New York. I’ve toyed with a few different options in my head but it depends on what I find. In any case though, it will be nice to get a good amount of cash in my pocket so I can come back with a clean car or 2.

1 buy clean 240sx down south
2 bring 240 back to ny
3 ???
4 Profit

Kinda want a clean VR-4/DSM :ninja

yea 240 or low mileage and clean civic hatchback

My #1 choice for car combo right now is a Del-Sol daily and DSM fun car. I’ll be back on campus when I come back so if the DSM breaks and the Del-Sol is at home or something I’ll just go pick it up and send the DSM home :lol

I really do want something fast though. Like I said, trying to keep my options open

You need a Honda.

I have one, only rust is on one of the front fenders that looks like it was beaten with a bat at some point in its life :lol well and the ebay charge piping but once I’m driving it again it will get some new piping made up. edit: and I need one of these because I decided to change what I wanted to do with it :banghead

Trade for e30? :lol

:lol i got some plans for it, gonna keep it for a while longer and enjoy it now that it has some new quality go fast parts on it, I need to get it up to ASS to finish something up for me but it’s not on the road at the moment. you should hear how the forge diverter valve sounds in the 4" inlet pipe :lol it’s quite loud.