swap shop financing??

i was wondering if anyone knows of any garages that do financing…

a buddy of mine got a $6,000 stereo system dropped in his truck with 29.9% intrest and $0 down…
i was hopeing this option might exsist for sr20det installs…
i would be able to make a decent down payment but for me its easier to make payments then to save up the cash for an all in one shot

ive thought about going to the bank for a loan but in all honesty… they dont really give 5grand to just anyone without a good resean… and i dont think “i want to put a nice motor in my car” is gonna cut it… and they might think its too high for just a “my motor went in my car so i need the cash to replace it at a shop” excuse

what a waste of money

waste of money yes… but with my current lifestyle i can pay 8grand over time vs 5 grand in one shot

why not just save and wait?

id like to have the option if its available… is all im saying…

i would prefer to wait… but at the same time id rather it done now…

its like weighing swap shop vs your garage… u can pay the 1200-1500 to have it installed properly and be out the next day…
or have it sit in your garage for a month or 2 while u figure it out…
TIME is money my man…

do you need the engine right now because unless its absolutely imperative that you have the engine installed, just save up for it and pay all at once. You might get lucky and find a garage that wont charge interest(i dont know how common that is, or if its even done at all.)

I’m wondering the same thing… Are there any garages that’ll do this? If so, I’m on board

its not a matter of right now or not… my ka is strong and will last awhile longer. but id like to sit down and mumble over the facts… and id like to have an sr in before the car is so decayed it not worth it(another 2 years)
and before you say anything about 2 years no point… id keep the swap for a long ass time just pay the 1200 to swap into a new shell when i find one…

well the prob you might run it to is your looking for some one to finace a sevice if you dont pay what do thy repo?
your buddy finaced a sevice and all the gear needed so if he doesnt pay thay can take it back to cover some costs.


they repo the motor… ill even put the whole car down as a lein… if i dont pay you repo all i got,
i dont see to much diff with repoing a motor to a sound system… you can blow a motor, you can blow speakers. you can crash a car with a motor same with speakers… all the risks are the same…

and i dont know if my initial post was clear enough… im talking about financing the entire thing… motor, parts and install

getting a loan for your car is normal.
getting a loan to mod your car is idiotic imo.
if you can’t afford it, just drive stock. everyone else does. who cares.
only play with your money when you have enough to spend it.

and sorry i’m not bashing on you in particular. and sorry i don’t know any swap shops that are willing to finance it. highly unlikely that it will exist. good luck with your future motor though.

put it all on a visa lol pay it there lol

is it really worth putting urself in debt for a stock sr?

if ur going to take out a loan do it for a rb26 atleast

i’ll loan you the money… with interest of course… but if you miss one payment… im taking your car, your girlfriend, and your shoes!

but seriously…no… many shops wont even let you take the car out of the shop untill the work is paid in full!
except this little old man my parents go to… he’ll do the work and as long as 50% is down… you can pay the rest in parts…
granted they’ve been going to him for the last 25 years!

yeah your just stupid lol, visa has lower interest than that lol, also stock sr lol… u can buy a car with a stock sr for less than 5gs lol also any complete newb should be more than able to finish an sr swap in a week

take weekend off from partying, get your buddys over rip out yor motor on saturday and install sr on sunday, then take the time to make sure everytings done right, then bam you have a working 240 with sr. i did my first motor swap last summer on my own, i rented a cherry picker, bought that $350 air compresser and tools from wally mart all the liquids i needed, 2 cases of beer, some music and 19hrs and 38 mins later… i had a working car with a perfect install and had it simply checked out by a mechanic i saved prolly around 1300 by dong it my self in a weekend. And im sure theres some one on SON here that would gladly help ith install… say if you bought the beer and pizza hahaha the best price labour!!!

Getting a loan to mod is really dumb, and this is coming from a person that almost did it. I wanted to take out an LOC and get TT, wheels, coilovers & kit for the G in one shot. I then sat down, crunched some numbers because friends were telling me I’m being dumb, and at the end of the day it made no sense to do it. It’s really not worth it, plus if you do things step by step, you get more enjoyment out of it.

^ I agree with Ant, financing your car so you can get mods?

that’s stupid. Having a car and then modding it is a hobby. Therefore you should be able to afford a lifestyle that can comfortable afford a hobby. Yes, I understand that you love your car, and you want everything on it…but it is a HOBBY. You do not go intentionally into debt for something that just depreciates in value.

Besides, I’m sure if you knew how a high interest rate loan worked you would think twice. If you were paying pure principal on a say $5000 loan @ 29.99% great, but banks aren’t stupid. If you are paying say, $300 bucks a month a large portion of that $300 first goes into interest, and remaining into principal. Which means, a $300 payment, only a fraction, possibly a $100 or $150 would go into the principal payments. I don’t have a calc in front of me, but if you know how to calculate compounding interest…need I say more?

besides, with so many people telling you it’s a bad idea might give you an indication that “hey…maybe…just maybe these people are right.”

get a line of credit at the bank… if you dont qualify for a $5k LOC you should not expect anyone to finance anything for you anyways

Very true I got a line of credit with only working for about 1 month…but I really needed it because my ka was FUCKED soooo ask the bank get your parents 2 co sign.