
Hello i was wondering if somebody knew what is needed to use a T3/T4 garret turbo with the SR things like larger injectors and which one etc etc

You don’t necessarily need bigger injectors for a T3/T4, however you will need a new exhaust manifold that is designed for this kind of turbo.

Good luck.

To accompany my T3/T4, I’m going with 50lb (550cc) injectors, Z32 MAF
and (hopefully) standalone EMS. :dunno:

alot is to be considered when doing a turbo upgrade like a t3/4 upgrade. injectors are a start however other areas will need attention aswell to be on the safe side. To understand injectors i would recommend reading sequence-garages parts guide i think there is no other way to simply explain it. EMS is something to highly consider, metal head gasket if wanting to boost high as u obivously will considering you are doing this upgrade, a new mafs weather it be a g30,z32,cobra. Also you will have to run the correct type of spark plug to accomidate for different combustion temperatures, although that is a small thing to consider its good to keep in mind. You will also need a n exhaust manifold and the coolant and oil lines witll have to be run aswell possibly SS if you have the patience to fool around with fittings like that. Overall i would make sure the motor was in a 100% healthy state before even thinking about heading this direction for more power.

sorry to double post but what i said was just roughly off the top of my head i am sure poeple can add much more advice with what elses need to have attention.

I have a custom manifold which will work with a Tial Wastegate and
Garrett T03B. I also have custom stainless lines with AN fittings which
are made for this turbo to fit the SR.

I am selling the whole setup, if you’d like talk to me on MSN.

As for additional upgrades, you’d be best off upgrading injectors and MAFS
although it is not necessary if you are tight on funds. Just keep the boost
down until you replace those items.

while your in there might aswell do the head gasket otherwise ur gonna loose power because u will driving around on pussy boost that doesn’t even spool until late rpms on such low boost.

^^^ Ahh ha ha, what you just said made no sence what so ever… good one, goof.

^^^ Ahh ha ha, what you just said made no sence what so ever… good one, goof.

How much boost do you think a stock sr HG will hold?

dont waste your time with a t04b . (yes I know the 60-1 is in the b family)

you want to get at least a to4e of somesort.