Tax returns


I made .32 cents more an hour this year. Got about 550 back from fed and geting like 40 back from the state haha. Last year i got about 850 back from fed. and owed the state 3 dollars???

Barely getting anything back from the feds, owe the state 150 bucks. Parents claim me and are getting back like 1,500 just because of my school.

we surely do not care what your parents are getting back


LOL @ Deadbeat

Any tax gurus out there? I have yet to file mine, but I think I am going to be fucked.

I made 13K in 1192 last year, so that I have to pay to them still. And I took 5K out of my 401K to pay for some shit too.

I usually get 1600-2500 back, but with that 13K that has yet to be taxed (25% or something i assume) $3200 I think I owe, I am hoping to break even.

tracey will do them for u for a small fee

Thank you for offering my services hahaha :lol

Sorry friend, I already have a guy that my gf and i go through. Thanks for the information though.

guys she does other things too but these other things are not cheap! :lol

I have $33 what does that get me

ask pete, hes a cheap mofo. im sure he will do something for $33

Like window washing, lawn mowing or tree removal? What are we talking here? :rofl

I only provide services for Wayne… good try though :clap

she follows waynes hairway to heaven. haha

my wife and I had about 10% more income, each had an extra $20/paycheck taken out and nothing else changed yet our return was 1/2 what it was last year. Makes no sense to me at all. And we both claim 1 in addition to the additional withholding.

+rep dude!!!

I got back about the same and made about 10% more.

My wife is in school which qualified us for some 2500 dollar tax credit which was nice…

i got back 70% more and i made 22% more this yr than last yr! they were also taxing the shit outta me over the summer. i was paying nearly 800 in taxes a week!

Big black and shaped like a hot dog I assume?